So I might just wait until the ray tracing stuff drops I guess
Honestly I don't think the update would be big enough to hold off on the game if you really f*** with it, plus people gonna spoil it and s***.
We don't know how drastic the performance difference is but the load times alone will probably be important, most likely frame rate stability and maybe some resolution choices but I doubt textures, AI, population density or anything like that get changed. It's probably just a performance stability fix but i could be wrong. It seems like they pushed it back to match the console release so maybe they've been working on the next gen patch this whole time.
Ah ok. Would’ve been cool to have the ps5 version on release, but I’m still playing this day 1. My most anticipated game.
Doubt it's anything like the demon souls remake. They won't remake the game they'll just add some new features. Likely just ray tracing, textures, maybe AI, real significant resolution boost, draw distances ect.
doesn't need to be remade, they've said the ps5 version is different than the one in november. that's why there will be another update next year, when the ps5 version drops
hate this comes out after PS5 release. Was trying to play this soon as I get my console
hate this comes out after PS5 release. Was trying to play this soon as I get my console
Just have to wait a week, enough time to beat & platinum Miles Morales
Just have to wait a week, enough time to beat & platinum Miles Morales
That's a facttttt
my 7700k + 1080 TI at 1440p
I wonder what recommended is? I'm going to guess high settings 60fps 1080p
I just wish this game was in 3rd person
at least driving is and some other small aspects
I wonder what recommended is? I'm going to guess high settings 60fps 1080p
Usually that's the goal whenever a game releases recommended specs. I'm planning on buying a 3080 soon (if I can ever get one available).
insanely good
Yo hold up... these requirements arent too high end right? Probably a dumbass question but I dont know s*** about PCs, all I know is my computer cant run new games too well
Yo hold up... these requirements arent too high end right? Probably a dumbass question but I dont know s*** about PCs, all I know is my computer cant run new games too well
They're WAY lower than I expected. 12GB of ram is lower than the new standard. The 1060 was a middle tier graphics card when it released in 2016. It's still a good card but for a game like this I was expecting a recommended 2070 (Middle-high card, released in 2018) or something.
Seeing these specs, this game is incredibly optimized.