  • Sep 20, 2020
    1 reply

    You know, something I just realized is that the game, as far as I know up until this point, hasn’t shown us any male love interests.

    I distinctly remember CDPR saying Jackie wasn’t available (I think he has a girlfriend), but I’m assuming there has to be male love interests in the game since you can play as a female, and I would like to think CYBERPUNK would allow for gay relationships, but it’s still odd that we have yet to see much of that.

    I feel like the marketing in general for this game is of kind off, because it’s clear that they’re trying to appeal to as wide an audience as possible with this game, given all the time and money they’ve put into it (and the fact that CDPR is literally a cornerstone of the Polish economy), but I also feel like it has the tendency to paint itself in a less than positive light given its subject matter because of this approach, amplified by the fact that the developers have time and time again stated the game is deep and will explore mature themes.

    Contrast that statement with what we see which is a bunch of GTA-esque style ads and vignettes, tons of shooting, and a whole lot of “fucks”.

    I’m really hoping that the actual game itself is more nuanced that the trailers and the carefully selected gameplay segments suggest, because coming off The Witcher even the dialogue feels like whiplash.

    (Given what we’ve seen) It almost feels like how GTAV and RDR2 were both primarily written by the same person, but in reverse.

    I wouldn’t worry too much, people that played the early access game said there’s a lot of nuance to it, especially given where the lore is coming from.

    It’s just hard to market a RPG first game without making it look boring so I can totally get why they’re leaning into the GTA like marketing route

  • Sep 20, 2020
    2 replies

    I wouldn’t worry too much, people that played the early access game said there’s a lot of nuance to it, especially given where the lore is coming from.

    It’s just hard to market a RPG first game without making it look boring so I can totally get why they’re leaning into the GTA like marketing route

    I just feel like, given the subject matter, it really plays against what cyberpunk is supposed to be about. Like I get it, but I can’t blame people for having reservations about it, or even feeling a bit disappointed with how it’s presenting itself, because it does come off as kind of obnoxious at points.

    I’m hopeful that CDPR know what they’re doing and have surprises in store for us.

  • Sep 21, 2020

    I just feel like, given the subject matter, it really plays against what cyberpunk is supposed to be about. Like I get it, but I can’t blame people for having reservations about it, or even feeling a bit disappointed with how it’s presenting itself, because it does come off as kind of obnoxious at points.

    I’m hopeful that CDPR know what they’re doing and have surprises in store for us.

    I feel like this tweet nailed what you’re feeling. You shouldn’t confuse the marketing angle with the actual game though imo. This is a RPG game first and everything else is a distant second. They’ll deliver on the actual content.

  • Sep 21, 2020

    I just feel like, given the subject matter, it really plays against what cyberpunk is supposed to be about. Like I get it, but I can’t blame people for having reservations about it, or even feeling a bit disappointed with how it’s presenting itself, because it does come off as kind of obnoxious at points.

    I’m hopeful that CDPR know what they’re doing and have surprises in store for us.

    what cyberpunk is supposed to be about

    could u expand on that? im interested in what u mean

  • Sep 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Jumping to conclusions about a game you haven’t played

  • Sep 21, 2020

    So she’s mad they’re not showing naked dudes in the trailer

  • Sep 21, 2020

    So I guess this game should run fine on the ps4 slim huh? I remember people were saying it would run like ass on the slim but since the PC requirements are lower than we thought, maybe it'll be good then

  • Sep 21, 2020
    1 reply

    People will be let down by this game. It's not gonna be this groundbreaking thing yall pretending its gonna be

    Just look at the gameplay footage some of the animations looked really bad

  • Sep 21, 2020
    1 reply

    People will be let down by this game. It's not gonna be this groundbreaking thing yall pretending its gonna be

    Just look at the gameplay footage some of the animations looked really bad

    A lot of us aren't buying into the hype, we're just expecting a good game with great world exploration and a good story. And so far it seems like that's what we're gonna get. I can speak for myself at least

  • Sep 21, 2020
    2 replies

    A lot of us aren't buying into the hype, we're just expecting a good game with great world exploration and a good story. And so far it seems like that's what we're gonna get. I can speak for myself at least

    I hope so. But seeing people say that it's gonna be this 10/10 classic already has me like suuuure

  • Sep 21, 2020

    I hope so. But seeing people say that it's gonna be this 10/10 classic already has me like suuuure

    game hasn't even come out yet, people already forming opinions like that can only be setting themselves up for disappointment. I think being patiently optimistic about games like this is the best way to look forward to them, but you can't expect a game, or any media, as big as this to fit into everything you expect of it

  • Sep 21, 2020

    Idk about 10's but this is gonna get easy 9-9.5's all pver the place.

    Prolly reviewed like witcher. But im hoping itll leave just as long as a lasting impression

  • Sep 21, 2020

    Jumping to conclusions about a game you haven’t played

  • Sep 21, 2020
    1 reply

    its gonna be this 10/10 classic

  • Sep 21, 2020

    If I hop in a whip and these cars move like something at my local arcade

  • Sep 21, 2020

    I hope so. But seeing people say that it's gonna be this 10/10 classic already has me like suuuure

    Honestly I think it will be, it won't be a perfect game but it's going to be a game that pushes the RPG genre forward.
    Every single reviewer and person who got to play the game raved about it and said the massive hype was justified

  • Sep 21, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    its gonna be this 10/10 classic

    Dream on bby

  • Sep 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Dream on bby

    we'll see in 2 months when im enjoying this 10/10 classic in 4k on my pc

  • Sep 21, 2020
    rwina sawayama

    we'll see in 2 months when im enjoying this 10/10 classic in 4k on my pc


    Why dont you play actual greatest game of all time SOTC first and then we'll talk

  • Sep 21, 2020

    You know, something I just realized is that the game, as far as I know up until this point, hasn’t shown us any male love interests.

    I distinctly remember CDPR saying Jackie wasn’t available (I think he has a girlfriend), but I’m assuming there has to be male love interests in the game since you can play as a female, and I would like to think CYBERPUNK would allow for gay relationships, but it’s still odd that we have yet to see much of that.

    I feel like the marketing in general for this game is of kind off, because it’s clear that they’re trying to appeal to as wide an audience as possible with this game, given all the time and money they’ve put into it (and the fact that CDPR is literally a cornerstone of the Polish economy), but I also feel like it has the tendency to paint itself in a less than positive light given its subject matter because of this approach, amplified by the fact that the developers have time and time again stated the game is deep and will explore mature themes.

    Contrast that statement with what we see which is a bunch of GTA-esque style ads and vignettes, tons of shooting, and a whole lot of “fucks”.

    I’m really hoping that the actual game itself is more nuanced that the trailers and the carefully selected gameplay segments suggest, because coming off The Witcher even the dialogue feels like whiplash.

    (Given what we’ve seen) It almost feels like how GTAV and RDR2 were both primarily written by the same person, but in reverse.

    They’ve been getting some backlash for it

  • Sep 21, 2020
    1 reply

    gotta feeling that the story might be trash (like gta5). i wished the game would be much darker but the topics seem very shallow (like in outer worlds -> capitalism is bad bla bla)
    will be a fun world to explore tho

  • Sep 22, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    gotta feeling that the story might be trash (like gta5). i wished the game would be much darker but the topics seem very shallow (like in outer worlds -> capitalism is bad bla bla)
    will be a fun world to explore tho

    There’s a mission where kidnappers are harvesting body parts. I wouldn’t worry about the game not being dark

    Plus I’m sure they’re going to tackle child death, torture, and rape like Witcher did

  • Sep 22, 2020
    2 replies

    People really in here being negative as s***

    I understand not over hyping but yall sounding like haters

  • Sep 22, 2020
    2 replies

    People really in here being negative as s***

    I understand not over hyping but yall sounding like haters

    STOP BEING EXCITED !!!!!!!!!