I'm doing 1080p 30 fps medium settings on my laptop, I give no f***s, I will enjoy it and the mods when they release
whats the laptop specs? i have gtx 970, i5 6600k, hoping to get 1080p 60fps on med-high
I'm doing 1080p 30 fps medium settings on my laptop, I give no f***s, I will enjoy it and the mods when they release
f*** no
I'm doing 1080p 30 fps medium settings on my laptop, I give no f***s, I will enjoy it and the mods when they release
U gotta download more ram
At this point this game could only be either a massive disappointment or one of the greatest games ever made.
Expectations are too high.
whats the laptop specs? i have gtx 970, i5 6600k, hoping to get 1080p 60fps on med-high
i5-8300H 1050 TI 16 GB RAM, my graphics card is weak but it'll get the job done
f*** no
people game on what they have, I have no interest in desktop gaming and many gaming laptops don't have interchangeable parts
U gotta download more ram
what do you mean by download? I have 16 GB which is well above the recommended of 12
what do you mean by download? I have 16 GB which is well above the recommended of 12
It’s a joke lmao
It’s a joke lmao
lol oh, I have an Acer Nitro 5 that I bought in August 2018, I'm not upgrading for at least a couple more years unless I can only run new games on low or something lol
Sounds like u only have 4 gb
I got 32 gigabytes on my usb drive pussc
what do you mean by download? I have 16 GB which is well above the recommended of 12
U gotta go on google images and save pictures of rams (the animal or the tech that's at your discretion) on your pc
Pentium 4 ?
Aight what kinda dusty ass thing did you just quote me with making me look up pentium 4 lmao
Aight what kinda dusty ass thing did you just quote me with making me look up pentium 4 lmao
Now I just feel old
The marketing for this game has been absolutely bang on. I mean, it was sold to us as Thee game from the jump, but it really feels like an event
Game looks fantastic too. The fps choice was a good call on their part.
The dialogue/writing in the bits of gameplay we have rn ain't hitting for me tho. Will see if the actual in game dialogue is better, but I'm concerned about it disappointing on that front
Same sort of thing was said about Naughty Dog, Bungie, BioWare and Rockstar, so CDPR isn’t necessarily an anomaly, but yeah, the “we swear to never partake in crunch culture again” statement was clearly bullshit.
Hopefully the game doesn’t end up being a total mess, could you imagine?
If’d be devastating, and would absolutely rock the f*** out of CDPR.
If it turns out be a buggy mess on launch day, well ...