In all honesty, when’s the last time Ubisoft’s released like, an actual GOTY tier game?
Far Cry 3? Because that was 8 years ago.
I know people like the AC games but I didnt enjoy odyssey or play the last one, and the last one I enjoyed was black flag
I had fun with watch dogs 2 and will probably get watch dogs legion, just a fun game that fills that little gta like itch
Score is gonna be so good
That sounds really eerie
Finally finished up TW3's expansions, just in time for this
The base game was 10/10...
Hearts of Stone was 10/10...
Blood and Wine was 10/10...
Finally finished up TW3's expansions, just in time for this
Replaying these next week
The base game was 10/10...
Hearts of Stone was 10/10...
Blood and Wine was 10/10...
Blood and Wine really lived up to what I was told, but dawg that Book-Wonderland segment really killed the momentum.
Should've been a lengthy side quest or something
Blood and Wine really lived up to what I was told, but dawg that Book-Wonderland segment really killed the momentum.
Should've been a lengthy side quest or something
That’s one of my favorite quests in gaming history
Should I get this or WD?
Watch Dogs is a steaming pile of s*** compared to this game, no offense to them, lol
never finished witcher 3 or finished the dlcs but imma try to play and finish this game before it drops
man idk if i should get the disc or digital
I want all the extras with the physical
I want all the extras with the physical
same but like i wanna have it pre loaded so i can play it as soon as it drops
i still haven’t pre ordered
There's no issue if you're getting it digital, I'm probably gonna go ahead and cop it a couple nights before on Steam
They doing a complete or ultimate digital edition that comes with the DLC? I'm waiting to see if it's the case before I cop cause I already know I'll buy whatever they put out
i still haven’t pre ordered
If you going digital it don't matter I'm gonna cop as soon as pre loads open
They doing a complete or ultimate digital edition that comes with the DLC? I'm waiting to see if it's the case before I cop cause I already know I'll buy whatever they put out
For sure but won't come out for a few years