this s*** better run smooth af idc about last gen but i planned on getting this for my ps5 but s*** now i might be able to pick up a 3080 and just play it on pc dont like fps on controllers anyway
if Horzion Forbidden West or the New God of War is in the same ballpark as this game, it's a failure. We going there
this s*** better run smooth af idc about last gen but i planned on getting this for my ps5 but s*** now i might be able to pick up a 3080 and just play it on pc dont like fps on controllers anyway
the recommended specs for pc arent that high so i expect it to run rlly good on pc
I been telling ppl to keep their expectations for this s*** low, theres no way this game will live up to the hype ppl been giving it, especially with all these delays
Hope I'm wrong tho but it just feels like its gonna be another fallout 4 situation at this point
People this upset over a single player game
there's a bunch of us that wouldn't touch multiplayer games with a 10 foot pole
what does it mean when a game goes gold
It's done and sent to be printed on discs
Everything after gold is fixes