  • Oct 10, 2023

    Just realized V is Sonia in TOTK

    Cherami in 2 of the best games this year

  • Oct 11, 2023
    1 reply

    I will never remove David’s jacket

  • Oct 11, 2023

    I will never remove David’s jacket

    yeah that’s one of the cooler pieces

  • This game is sick now. There’s so many builds and play styles now. I’m running the sandevistan cyber ninja s*** and it’s crazy.
    I’m only a little into phantom liberty but it seems good so far. Going to this from star field is like night and day

  • Oct 11, 2023
    3 replies

    Night City is 100% one of the best open worlds ever created.

    Have a moment every time I play when I look up at the sky when playing and see the way the smoke comes out of huge chimneys, cargo ships fly through it, the sky gradient of sunset all blends together

  • Oct 11, 2023

    Night City is 100% one of the best open worlds ever created.

    Have a moment every time I play when I look up at the sky when playing and see the way the smoke comes out of huge chimneys, cargo ships fly through it, the sky gradient of sunset all blends together

    top 5 imo, maybe top 3

  • Oct 11, 2023

    wow ive played this game at premiere but afer complete phantom liberty s*** goes hard as f*** hope that another istalemtn will better at premiere 9'10 easy

  • Oct 11, 2023

    finally getting a new around to this after completing Starfield and it’s not bad so far I love the changes

  • Oct 14, 2023

    I’ve been doing this play through in performance mode on PS5 and this game still looks gorgeous wtf

  • Oct 14, 2023
    1 reply

    I’m still playing through phantom liberty but i wish i never played the game at launch. If this was my first play through this could legit be my favorite game of all time

  • Oct 14, 2023

    I’m still playing through phantom liberty but i wish i never played the game at launch. If this was my first play through this could legit be my favorite game of all time

    That’s what I did.
    I waited then I heard about the 2.0 patch and waited some more to play on my ps5
    This is so beautiful mang
    Like wow this blows that disappointment called Starfield out of the water mang

    Panam mang
    Makes a nigga wanna say f*** it all just leave night city mang

    I still gotta speak to the lady that will start the poiny of no return but Im finishing up some quests I think I just finished silverhand’s quest with the band

  • Oct 14, 2023
    1 reply

    Night City is 100% one of the best open worlds ever created.

    Have a moment every time I play when I look up at the sky when playing and see the way the smoke comes out of huge chimneys, cargo ships fly through it, the sky gradient of sunset all blends together

    I love cyberpunk but the open world is lackluster. 99% of it is empty city streets. Best parts of cyberpunk is the writing, voice acting, visuals, character creation, rpg mechanics, etc. but definitely not open world.

    Game might’ve been 10/10 if it was only semi-open world like Deus Ex, and the expansion is a good example of that because the new area is small but dense and more fun to explore.

    It’s the most beautiful open world ever possibly, but from a gameplay perspective it’s very empty. Visuals aside it’s decades behind other open worlds. Red dead redemption from 2010 had waaaay more activities, mini-games, exploration, and random encounters in the open world.

    If you try actually exploring the open world in cyberpunk you’re gonna fall asleep. Instead you have to select missions from the map and travel there, otherwise you’d be wandering aimlessly for 40 minutes before finding 1 thing to do.

  • Oct 14, 2023
    2 replies

    I love cyberpunk but the open world is lackluster. 99% of it is empty city streets. Best parts of cyberpunk is the writing, voice acting, visuals, character creation, rpg mechanics, etc. but definitely not open world.

    Game might’ve been 10/10 if it was only semi-open world like Deus Ex, and the expansion is a good example of that because the new area is small but dense and more fun to explore.

    It’s the most beautiful open world ever possibly, but from a gameplay perspective it’s very empty. Visuals aside it’s decades behind other open worlds. Red dead redemption from 2010 had waaaay more activities, mini-games, exploration, and random encounters in the open world.

    If you try actually exploring the open world in cyberpunk you’re gonna fall asleep. Instead you have to select missions from the map and travel there, otherwise you’d be wandering aimlessly for 40 minutes before finding 1 thing to do.

    i've heard other people say this too - i saw a review of someone who loved the game say they hated the world/driving so much that they'd fast travel everywhere and found that way of playing the game more enjoyable

    but idk i love the design of every single one of those empty streets!

    i feel like each district has such different feels. i love driving around in the game so much (the sound of the car engines, the radio, seeing the city, stumbling upon crimes or vehicle contracts) that i always pick the quest furthest away from me.

    i've never found it particularly empty but maybe when i play tonight the cracks will show themselves a bit

    just in terms of what is the most flashy, modern, high end looking & feeling video game open world to explore that is available, i think night city would be up there.

  • Oct 14, 2023
    1 reply

    i've heard other people say this too - i saw a review of someone who loved the game say they hated the world/driving so much that they'd fast travel everywhere and found that way of playing the game more enjoyable

    but idk i love the design of every single one of those empty streets!

    i feel like each district has such different feels. i love driving around in the game so much (the sound of the car engines, the radio, seeing the city, stumbling upon crimes or vehicle contracts) that i always pick the quest furthest away from me.

    i've never found it particularly empty but maybe when i play tonight the cracks will show themselves a bit

    just in terms of what is the most flashy, modern, high end looking & feeling video game open world to explore that is available, i think night city would be up there.

    As far as the feeling & atmosphere of the city, I think it's great. The empty rainy streets with the smoky ventilation at 2AM is goat

  • Oct 14, 2023
    1 reply

    i've heard other people say this too - i saw a review of someone who loved the game say they hated the world/driving so much that they'd fast travel everywhere and found that way of playing the game more enjoyable

    but idk i love the design of every single one of those empty streets!

    i feel like each district has such different feels. i love driving around in the game so much (the sound of the car engines, the radio, seeing the city, stumbling upon crimes or vehicle contracts) that i always pick the quest furthest away from me.

    i've never found it particularly empty but maybe when i play tonight the cracks will show themselves a bit

    just in terms of what is the most flashy, modern, high end looking & feeling video game open world to explore that is available, i think night city would be up there.

    you’re right they popped off making it feel like a real city, each district really does feel distinct for sure, probably more so than any game city ever created tbh

    The artists and designers went hard as f*** but it feels like the actual like gameplay designers phoned it in lol, they should’ve filled the world with more activities and encounters imo

  • Oct 14, 2023

    As far as the feeling & atmosphere of the city, I think it's great. The empty rainy streets with the smoky ventilation at 2AM is goat

    i also have noticed when its FOGGY? it looks so different. like if theres fog out, the entire map will feel so foreign to me i'll have absolutely no familiarity on where i even am or where to go which i like

  • Oct 14, 2023
    1 reply

    you’re right they popped off making it feel like a real city, each district really does feel distinct for sure, probably more so than any game city ever created tbh

    The artists and designers went hard as f*** but it feels like the actual like gameplay designers phoned it in lol, they should’ve filled the world with more activities and encounters imo

    there is the NCPD crimes, gigs & vehicle contracts. they're pretty basic but i think they do enough of a job

    what are some encounters you think would've worked? RDR2 encounters are deeply goated but i think that has the benefit of you being on a horse, so people can talk to you or ask you for help etc. in cyberpunk you drive and so the nature of stuff has to be on the map or through your phone

  • Oct 14, 2023

    there is the NCPD crimes, gigs & vehicle contracts. they're pretty basic but i think they do enough of a job

    what are some encounters you think would've worked? RDR2 encounters are deeply goated but i think that has the benefit of you being on a horse, so people can talk to you or ask you for help etc. in cyberpunk you drive and so the nature of stuff has to be on the map or through your phone

    yeah getting more random phone calls could be interesting. Like imagine you get a mysterious phone call and it’s someone saying they rigged your car to explode and the doors are locked and you need to do everything they say to disarm it lmao

    Also it would be cool if there was like an arena type activity where people battle it out using different tools and gadgets.

    Or imagine if there was a minigame with that crazy tank that Panam lets you use for a short segment, they could’ve done more with that. Like a battle where both sides have multiple tanks.

    Maybe some mirrors edge-esque parquor challenges around the city that require the double jump or super jump with the cybernetic leg enhancements

    Even simple mini games like poker but more futuristic maybe, and you could cheat using cybernetics but there’s a risk you’ll get caught

  • Oct 15, 2023

    This game is f***ing incredible

  • Oct 15, 2023

    Bro the Atmosphere
    Makes me feel like I actually live in night city 🏙

  • Oct 15, 2023
    1 reply

    CDPR really f***ed themselves out of being one of the GOAT developers by releasing this game in 2020. They've redeemed themselves but CP2077 is never going to get the full credit it deserves among many gamers.

  • Oct 15, 2023
    1 reply

    CDPR really f***ed themselves out of being one of the GOAT developers by releasing this game in 2020. They've redeemed themselves but CP2077 is never going to get the full credit it deserves among many gamers.

    A lot of people will never pick it up again after that disaster of a launch and so many are missing out on a great game smh

  • Oct 15, 2023

    A lot of people will never pick it up again after that disaster of a launch and so many are missing out on a great game smh

    It's annoying seeing people talk about this game like it's still 2020. Anyone could see even then this game had serious potential. Glad I waited it out and got to experience this masterpiece. Easily in my top 10.

  • Oct 15, 2023

    Curious how much of PL is representative of what was intended for the base game (if it hadn’t launch unfinished and been in full development for a couple more years), and how much of it is the nature of having a new director and being part of an expansion.

    Like, gigs in PL for example are far superior and more elaborate than the majority of those in the base game, which makes we wonder if these gigs are more of what was envisioned for the base game’s gigs, or if their overall polish is due to the fact that they’re part of an expansion, so more time and resources could be spent working on each one, fleshing them out.