Panam distracting me from the main questline I have no clue what’s even going on rn in this game
Just started Phantom Liberty, man this runs like ass on the Series X
You been hating the whole thread
You been hating the whole thread
I really like the game, I’ve put in 50 hours in 2 weeks doing 100% of all the side missions and gigs leading up to starting Phantom liberty. The performance problems and bugs on Xbox are just glaring issues, my original playthrough on PS wasn’t like this at all. My only real complaint in the thread that wasn’t about the bugs and performance was saying the main story is average.
Just finished Phantom Liberty :tomsad:
Songbird best ending. Johnny's monologue
Songbird best ending. Johnny's monologue
That Johnny monologue was one of the few times I felt any emotions with this game, it actually felt authentic af :jordancry:
That Johnny monologue was one of the few times I felt any emotions with this game, it actually felt authentic af :jordancry:
Yeah if you've been cool with Johnny throughout the game he becomes a total bro. Him and V's dialogue during PL was
Songbird best ending. Johnny's monologue
Cyborg hoe didn't deserve it! But I did it anyway
Cyborg hoe didn't deserve it! But I did it anyway
No one's an angel in Night City
Also she's really hot
Panam distracting me from the main questline I have no clue what’s even going on rn in this game
panam is fire and it’s literally a movie length of content with her
Been wanting to try this out strictly for the graphics. I have a 3080 12gb and I hardly play games that push it. I also hardly play games with ray tracing so im gonna see how much I can do. Was playing Red Dead 2 just now and I'm always in awe when I play it so let's see how this fairs.
whew baby. 4k with raytracing on I'm getting 30fps lol. it's somewhat solid. I know my card is a little underpowered for all the raytracing effects they have now but wow this thing is hungry. I got 15-20fps on my previous benchmark with all the bells lmao.
edit: I turned off dlss and I'm getting more frames?
raytraced reflection is the b**** I see. but it looks so much better
1440p might be the move. I'm getting average 87fps now with raytracing in and raytracing reflections.
Y’all not gonna wanna hear this, but Judy > panam
Easily I hate how they only let me be with panam
Dawg literally everyone betrays you this game
Haven’t played Phantom Liberty yet, but not the homies Vik or Misty
Haven’t played Phantom Liberty yet, but not the homies Vik or Misty
There are still some real ones in Night City
Dawg literally everyone betrays you this game
Thats why I dont like the phantom lib ending makes no sense, sad just to make u sad
Thats why I dont like the phantom lib ending makes no sense, sad just to make u sad
Storming Arasaka tower/heist in space is still my favorite ending
Haven’t played Phantom Liberty yet, but not the homies Vik or Misty
I don't think so I haven't beaten the main game yet
Thats why I dont like the phantom lib ending makes no sense, sad just to make u sad
Against my better judgment I helped so mi escape even tho I had a feeling she was still hiding something. After she told me there was only a cure for one person and that she lied to me this whole time I Saif f\*\*\* this b\*\*\*\* and sent her to reed. I dont know what happens after that im still waiting on the call from reed. He prolly lying too my character tired of being double crossed
Phantom liberty spoilers