  • Oct 27, 2020

    I’m a kanye stan so things getting pushed back to later dates has no effect on me

  • Beautiful Morning

    Didn’t Witcher 3 get delayed a bunch too? This is why I’m chilling

    it was a mess on release too, at least on consoles

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Beautiful Morning

    Didn’t Witcher 3 get delayed a bunch too? This is why I’m chilling

    Yeah I'm fine with it, but their Twitter needs to stfu because their tweets always backfire and get used against them

  • Oct 27, 2020

    How many death threats you think the Twitter team got so far

  • Oct 27, 2020
    Beautiful Morning

    Bro lol
    That's it, I can't follow this game anymore. Every single time this game's gotten close to release, it's been delayed. And it's not even for a good reason this time! At least with the previous delays, I went "oh, yeah, that sucks, but I understand," but no. If shipping the game on 9 different platforms at the same time is such a challenge that you need to delay the game again, then maybe you should... oh, I don't know... not ship on 9 different platforms at the same time? Seriously, does anyone else think that they should just focus on releasing the game when they promised they would and get the ports going after the fact?

    But nothing I say here will likely change this. I can complain and rant until I'm blue in the face, but CDPR made their decision. At the end of the day, they have the right to. But I still have the right to be upset over it. Because, before someone comes out and calls me entitled, let me remind you once again that CDPR repeatedly promised this would not happen. They specifically said, time and time again, that there would be no more delays. They put up ads all over the place saying NOV 19. And then they turn around and do this.

    I'm angry. I'm disappointed. I feel somewhat betrayed. But more than anything else, I'm exhausted. I'm sick and tired of getting my hopes up. My respect for CDPR has dropped considerably and from this point on, I've decided I'm just going to try to stop thinking about 2077. I won't visit this subreddit, I won't watch any more Night City Wire episodes that may come out, I won't bring the game up to anyone or participate in conversations about it. As far as I'm concerned, 2077 will cease to be relevant until it's DONE and released and I can actually play it.

    In short: I do not accept your humble apologies for breaking your promise for what I think is a stupid reason.

    You just know that person hasn’t and probably will never touch a female

  • Oct 27, 2020
    2 replies

    Yeah I'm fine with it, but their Twitter needs to stfu because their tweets always backfire and get used against them

    I mean it’s not the media managers fault lol his job is to hype up the game and release. They just didn’t warn him

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Beautiful Morning

    I mean it’s not the media managers fault lol his job is to hype up the game and release. They just didn’t warn him

    I hope this was the case

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    I hope this was the case

    The devs and team learned of this the same exact time the tweet was sent out. No way the social media manager knew

  • Oct 27, 2020

    Lmfao on reddit people mad saying they took time off work for this

    My guys it’s a video game 😂😂😂

  • Oct 27, 2020

    sucks because the PC version would be out the fastest

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    The devs and team learned of this the same exact time the tweet was sent out. No way the social media manager knew


  • Beautiful Morning

    I mean it’s not the media managers fault lol his job is to hype up the game and release. They just didn’t warn him

    imagine all u hear as the media manager is 'this game is def releasing november' so u reply to that tweet yesterday confirming its dropping in nov then u come to work today and they tell u soooo we're delaying it

  • Oct 27, 2020
    3 replies

    elder scrolls 6 and gta 6 devs taking notes how not to mismanage a big game release

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Oct 27, 2020


    Yeah. S***s f***ed huh

  • Yevin

    Its gonna be both


  • Oct 27, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    elder scrolls 6 and gta 6 devs taking notes how not to mismanage a big game release

    Next Elder Scrolls is guaranteed to be buggy

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    elder scrolls 6 and gta 6 devs taking notes how not to mismanage a big game release

    Nah rockstar know what theyre doing

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah rockstar know what theyre doing

    yeah then they suck consumers dry for a decade in the online mode

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    rockstar delays alot too but def not as bad as cyberpunk

  • Majin balotelli

    elder scrolls 6 and gta 6 devs taking notes how not to mismanage a big game release

    Lets not pretend GTA6 isn’t breaking sales records whenever it comes out. The frustrations people have will be forgotten as soon as its announced

  • Oct 27, 2020

    yeah then they suck consumers dry for a decade in the online mode

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    rockstar delays alot too but def not as bad as cyberpunk

    they just do it internally and not in the public like cpdr

  • Oct 27, 2020

    they delayed it again??

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    they just do it internally and not in the public like cpdr

    did we forget both gta 5 and rdr2 delays?

  • Oct 27, 2020