  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    video game crash part ii coming we love to see it

    nathan theres never been a better time for videogames
    steam is hitting a new record of concurrent users like everyday

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    nathan theres never been a better time for videogames
    steam is hitting a new record of concurrent users like everyday

    Nah behind the scenes industry bullshit mixed in with corporate politics f***ing over both devs and consumers too rampant

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah behind the scenes industry bullshit mixed in with corporate politics f***ing over both devs and consumers too rampant

    what are you talking about dawg

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    what are you talking about dawg

    I guess you haven't been paying to the game industry

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    I guess you haven't been paying to the game industry

    you talking about crunch? just tell me what your point is instead of being mysterious

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    you talking about crunch? just tell me what your point is instead of being mysterious

    Crunch culture, day 1 DLC, microtransactions, predatory loot boxes/gambling, the list goes on and on.

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Crunch culture, day 1 DLC, microtransactions, predatory loot boxes/gambling, the list goes on and on.

    how is that leading to the second game industry crash tho

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    how is that leading to the second game industry crash tho

    Things cannot continue the way they are going on right now.

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Things cannot continue the way they are going on right now.

    i hate all the things you mentioned too, but thats no answer to my question lol
    financially, the industry is doing better than ever, and this virus is only helping
    it aint gonna crash

  • Apr 3, 2020

    i hate all the things you mentioned too, but thats no answer to my question lol
    financially, the industry is doing better than ever, and this virus is only helping
    it aint gonna crash

    The industry is booming now, but these are fads that will go away, it's not a sustainable model

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    if this gets delayed again

  • Apr 4, 2020
    2 replies

    if this gets delayed again

    How they supposed to finish it in quarantine tho?

  • Apr 4, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    How they supposed to finish it in quarantine tho?

    IDK just get it done

  • Apr 13, 2020


  • Apr 13, 2020
    6 replies

    S*** really was suppose to come out this Thursday, wow.

  • Apr 13, 2020

    S*** really was suppose to come out this Thursday, wow.

    :( fr it makes me upset

  • Apr 14, 2020

    S*** really was suppose to come out this Thursday, wow.

  • Apr 14, 2020

    S*** really was suppose to come out this Thursday, wow.

    We really torturing ourselves with reminiscing about the delays

    Gaming this year got hit hard

  • Apr 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    How they supposed to finish it in quarantine tho?

    They (CDPR) held a teleconference last week and said they’re very confidant in their current release date and have a series of plans in place to ensure its release (including releasing digitally only if need be, which makes sense for this title as opposed to something like The Last of Us 2 because obviously PC will be a major source of its sales).

    The game itself is finished, right now they’re simply working on QA and tweaks which can all be handled remotely while at home.

    In fact, the game is complete enough that they already submitted it to the ratings board last month.

  • Apr 14, 2020

    S*** really was suppose to come out this Thursday, wow.

    fuuck this would have hit different in this quarantine

  • Apr 14, 2020

    We got a Jay Electronica album before this


  • Apr 14, 2020
    1 reply

    They (CDPR) held a teleconference last week and said they’re very confidant in their current release date and have a series of plans in place to ensure its release (including releasing digitally only if need be, which makes sense for this title as opposed to something like The Last of Us 2 because obviously PC will be a major source of its sales).

    The game itself is finished, right now they’re simply working on QA and tweaks which can all be handled remotely while at home.

    In fact, the game is complete enough that they already submitted it to the ratings board last month.

    Its 99% done now. Did they really need the extra 5 months

  • Apr 14, 2020

    S*** really was suppose to come out this Thursday, wow.

    Quarantine could’ve been a classic tbh

  • Apr 14, 2020

    S*** really was suppose to come out this Thursday, wow.

  • Apr 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Its 99% done now. Did they really need the extra 5 months

    Probably needed to do additional bug fixes and tweaks so they pushed the release to the next available quarter (AAA titles VERY rarely release in the June-August window).
