The only person to get a win out of this is LongBeachGriffy.
Dude just got a Xmas gift early.
A lot of Japanese curry dishes is either paired with a side of shredded cabbage, or has cabbage directly in it. So the flavors of the brussels sprouts actually paired well with the curry mac and cheese:
My ex girl was Japanese and she would put banana into her curry and that s*** really got into the sauce.
They really got the best curry on lock there.
No comment
Is that an unmelted cheese slice in the middle of her overdone pasta?
I thought latinas could cook. Would the Latinx delegation send their advocate for further comment?
bro actually pressed charges on her. lame
How is he getting a pass for that? What a piece of s***
Unless she actually f***ed him up why tf u calling cops and pressing charges on her for?
What did she even do to him? "Simple assault"? So like a slap or a shove, u gonna press charges for that? Call the cops and everybody
What happened to "fuck a cop car"?
How is he getting a pass for that? What a piece of s***
Unless she actually f***ed him up why tf u calling cops and pressing charges on her for?
What did she even do to him? "Simple assault"? So like a slap or a shove, u gonna press charges for that? Call the cops and everybody
What happened to "fuck a cop car"?
I usually f*** with you but y'all being wild hypocritical ITT
If DaBaby has open palm slapped her y'all (including that ho ass, flipflopping DaBaby stan) would be crucifying him right now.
I usually f*** with you but y'all being wild hypocritical ITT
It's only hypocritical if he's a feminist
I usually f*** with you but y'all being wild hypocritical ITT
Thats cool u dont have to agree with me on everything i like that ur respectful bout it
But ur groupin me in with others lol
I dont think its fair to compare a man slap and a woman slap
I get it double standards
But the whole men are stronger thing is obviously true
Look at dababy and look at her
No s*** its way worse if baby slaps her dudes got muscle on him
Obviously if dani was going wild on him n he had to slap or even punch her n she got a black eye then ay i get it
But look at the live video he put up
It does not look that heated to call the cops man
They could've resolved that between themselves
If DaBaby has open palm slapped her y'all (including that ho ass, flipflopping DaBaby stan) would be crucifying him right now.
we don't know all the facts. Just like if it was dababy it is innocent until proven guilty. But the internet antics this nigga be doing just gives off very immature and childish energy. I feel like he is just being petty. Putting ur drama on the internet is just lame, especially when you involve a child. Let's be real. There isn't a scratch on dababy's body and he will most likely drop the charges soon.
i knew this would happen dababy singlehandedly changing her public image by creating sympathy
If DaBaby has open palm slapped her y'all (including that ho ass, flipflopping DaBaby stan) would be crucifying him right now.
He would be buried in a split second. People are intensely hypocritical
Thats cool u dont have to agree with me on everything i like that ur respectful bout it
But ur groupin me in with others lol
I dont think its fair to compare a man slap and a woman slap
I get it double standards
But the whole men are stronger thing is obviously true
Look at dababy and look at her
No s*** its way worse if baby slaps her dudes got muscle on him
Obviously if dani was going wild on him n he had to slap or even punch her n she got a black eye then ay i get it
But look at the live video he put up
It does not look that heated to call the cops man
They could've resolved that between themselves
Dani seems crazy enough to instigate some wild s***. Good move to preemptively call the cops. Baby would get incredible amounts of hate if they swapped roles.
Dani seems crazy enough to instigate some wild s***. Good move to preemptively call the cops. Baby would get incredible amounts of hate if they swapped roles.
"Seems like the type"
"Preemptively call the cops"
Stop assuming
Also this might be a reallllly dumb question but is this not snitching?
Or is snitching only when it comes to street s***?
Regardless i thought it was a big no no for street dudes to call cops
I personally dont see the problem if u HAVE to
But dababy very clearly didn't have to
Even if he did "have" to street dudes say s*** like "I wouldn't call the cops on the man who murdered my own mother"
Baby himself has never said that but that's a common sentiment
But hes calling the cops over some lil bullshit
N none of the street dudes care?
What am I missing