Also this might be a reallllly dumb question but is this not snitching?
Or is snitching only when it comes to street s***?
Regardless i thought it was a big no no for street dudes to call cops
I personally dont see the problem if u HAVE to
But dababy very clearly didn't have to
Even if he did "have" to street dudes say s*** like "I wouldn't call the cops on the man who murdered my own mother"
Baby himself has never said that but that's a common sentiment
But hes calling the cops over some lil bullshit
N none of the street dudes care?
What am I missing
You’re talking to babysitters..
DaBaby finally did the right thing in the most b**** way imo
Also this might be a reallllly dumb question but is this not snitching?
Or is snitching only when it comes to street s***?
Regardless i thought it was a big no no for street dudes to call cops
I personally dont see the problem if u HAVE to
But dababy very clearly didn't have to
Even if he did "have" to street dudes say s*** like "I wouldn't call the cops on the man who murdered my own mother"
Baby himself has never said that but that's a common sentiment
But hes calling the cops over some lil bullshit
N none of the street dudes care?
What am I missing
Probably trying to earn some Internet points after he's been cancelled by showing he's civilised. Or he isn't street like that
Also this might be a reallllly dumb question but is this not snitching?
Or is snitching only when it comes to street s***?
Regardless i thought it was a big no no for street dudes to call cops
I personally dont see the problem if u HAVE to
But dababy very clearly didn't have to
Even if he did "have" to street dudes say s*** like "I wouldn't call the cops on the man who murdered my own mother"
Baby himself has never said that but that's a common sentiment
But hes calling the cops over some lil bullshit
N none of the street dudes care?
What am I missing
Yo ur right dababy's a snitch Will be interesting to see if the industry blackballs him for this
So she has to support this woman because she went through something too? Stupid way to think
It's just hypocritical and nasty coming from her
Thats cool u dont have to agree with me on everything i like that ur respectful bout it
But ur groupin me in with others lol
I dont think its fair to compare a man slap and a woman slap
I get it double standards
But the whole men are stronger thing is obviously true
Look at dababy and look at her
No s*** its way worse if baby slaps her dudes got muscle on him
Obviously if dani was going wild on him n he had to slap or even punch her n she got a black eye then ay i get it
But look at the live video he put up
It does not look that heated to call the cops man
They could've resolved that between themselves
You full of s*** my nigga lol
Also this might be a reallllly dumb question but is this not snitching?
Or is snitching only when it comes to street s***?
Regardless i thought it was a big no no for street dudes to call cops
I personally dont see the problem if u HAVE to
But dababy very clearly didn't have to
Even if he did "have" to street dudes say s*** like "I wouldn't call the cops on the man who murdered my own mother"
Baby himself has never said that but that's a common sentiment
But hes calling the cops over some lil bullshit
N none of the street dudes care?
What am I missing
Oh you REALLY full of s*** lmao
Oh you REALLY full of s*** lmao
Man come on
Im willing to be educated here im not set in stone with these thoughts
Oh you REALLY full of s*** lmao
Elaborate and be articulate at least
Probably trying to earn some Internet points after he's been cancelled by showing he's civilised. Or he isn't street like that
It's just hypocritical and nasty coming from her
Being sexually harassed by your boss =\= having sympathy for a non-black POC who has had receipts of not only s***ting on black women including a classmate that tweeted how Dani was a huge bully back in high school (which, like I mentioned earlier, she from Miami. A lot of hispanics be racist asf down there) but also being nasty towards Meme (a black woman)
Black women understandably don’t got sympathy for someone like that. And you mad phony thinking you can even compare the 2 my nigga.
Elaborate and be articulate at least
First off all, you literally making s*** up “i hear gangstas say they’d never call the police on someone that killed they mother” tryna make some point how most ‘street niggas’ stick to the code.
Secondly, dababy told shawty mad times to not touch him, his phone in the video. She proceeded to go against his consent and do just that. That is by definition assault.
Your whole “thats b****made” stance is reinforcing the notion that men can’t be put in physical danger by a female partner. As the reason why a lot of men that do get abused be staying cause they didnt get a black eye (what kinda backwards ass point was you tryna make with this)
Assault is assault. I tell you dont touch me or punch me and you do and i tell you leave and you don’t what the f*** am i supposed to do?
I actually don’t think Dababy was wrong in recording itself (him saying what he said, that’s a whole different story)
Also this might be a reallllly dumb question but is this not snitching?
Or is snitching only when it comes to street s***?
Regardless i thought it was a big no no for street dudes to call cops
I personally dont see the problem if u HAVE to
But dababy very clearly didn't have to
Even if he did "have" to street dudes say s*** like "I wouldn't call the cops on the man who murdered my own mother"
Baby himself has never said that but that's a common sentiment
But hes calling the cops over some lil bullshit
N none of the street dudes care?
What am I missing
Also this might be a reallllly dumb question but is this not snitching?
Or is snitching only when it comes to street s***?
Regardless i thought it was a big no no for street dudes to call cops
I personally dont see the problem if u HAVE to
But dababy very clearly didn't have to
Even if he did "have" to street dudes say s*** like "I wouldn't call the cops on the man who murdered my own mother"
Baby himself has never said that but that's a common sentiment
But hes calling the cops over some lil bullshit
N none of the street dudes care?
What am I missing
Log out
First off all, you literally making s*** up “i hear gangstas say they’d never call the police on someone that killed they mother” tryna make some point how most ‘street niggas’ stick to the code.
Secondly, dababy told shawty mad times to not touch him, his phone in the video. She proceeded to go against his consent and do just that. That is by definition assault.
Your whole “thats b****made” stance is reinforcing the notion that men can’t be put in physical danger by a female partner. As the reason why a lot of men that do get abused be staying cause they didnt get a black eye (what kinda backwards ass point was you tryna make with this)
Assault is assault. I tell you dont touch me or punch me and you do and i tell you leave and you don’t what the f*** am i supposed to do?
I actually don’t think Dababy was wrong in recording itself (him saying what he said, that’s a whole different story)
U think i made that up? Im not bout to go look for the video but i definitely didnt make it up
Also i get that men are victims of domestic abuse too
I didnt see what she did to him is there video? Im just saying theres a difference between a lil push n shove and swinging at someone
If it was a lil push n shove they could've resolved that and hes a ho
If she was swinging at him i understand
U think i made that up? Im not bout to go look for the video but i definitely didnt make it up
Also i get that men are victims of domestic abuse too
I didnt see what she did to him is there video? Im just saying theres a difference between a lil push n shove and swinging at someone
If it was a lil push n shove they could've resolved that and hes a ho
If she was swinging at him i understand
Why wait till it gets to swinging? Youre supposed to not get it to that point
DaBaby really a Men’s Rights Activist and a Heterosexual Rights Activist
Dude could run for Congress if this whole rap thing doesn’t pan out
Why wait till it gets to swinging? Youre supposed to not get it to that point
Who says it will escalate to swinging? You never seen a lady push a dude n he walks away n its over?
Of course the opposite can be true and it can escalate but thats not always the case
Depends on the situation
It's just hypocritical and nasty coming from her
It's not
She never asked for anyone to support her besides her podcast members who were witnesses to her sexual harassment but acted like nothing happened.... And instead supported the man who harassed her
Ur a weirdo tbh
U think i made that up? Im not bout to go look for the video but i definitely didnt make it up
Also i get that men are victims of domestic abuse too
I didnt see what she did to him is there video? Im just saying theres a difference between a lil push n shove and swinging at someone
If it was a lil push n shove they could've resolved that and hes a ho
If she was swinging at him i understand
This is what they used to tell women “eh so what he slapped you around a bit” 💀
It's not
She never asked for anyone to support her besides her podcast members who were witnesses to her sexual harassment but acted like nothing happened.... And instead supported the man who harassed her
Ur a weirdo tbh
Who says it will escalate to swinging? You never seen a lady push a dude n he walks away n its over?
Of course the opposite can be true and it can escalate but thats not always the case
Depends on the situation
“ Who says it will escalate to swinging?”
Every couple that’s ever had domestic violence charges called on one another.
You think s*** just starts off the bat with niggas mike tysoning each other? No, that’s why s*** escalates and makes it harder fo DV victims to seek help because “he/she isnt always like this” which is a common thing a lot of victims say.
You calling him a ho when you admitted your ho ass aint even watch the video is true ho s***.
@drdre_ we liked you better when you was on your making threads with no sources gimmick.