And dani needs to grow up and stop putting her hands on people
Where is the video of this
oh yeah i agree but dababy is the one that took this s*** to the internet. That s*** lame. His kid gon see his parents being 2 ghetto birds arguing on live for everyone to see in the future. But of course dababy always wants to make things a spectacle for attention. Nigga needs to grow up
Yea I agree with that. Shouldve kept it as private as possible but I do understand why he recorded the situation
So he should wait till he got bruises to call the cops ?
Edit: deleted their post
I just don't understand why people talmbout he's snitching
Like if your partner is assaulting you, man or woman, I would hope that the police get called. I really want people to be more comfortable with calling the police or family in situations of domestic abuse. I know it ain't easy but damn.
be more comfortable with calling the police??? Absolute clown
Dont think it’s on video
She got charged with simple assault... which mean she ain't hit him she was being a meanie and he called the cops🤣
@op fix ya title
be more comfortable with calling the police??? Absolute clown
For domestic abuse what’s wrong with that
be more comfortable with calling the police??? Absolute clown
I very clearly said police or family. This is a weird ass response when it's in regards to domestic abuse or assault.
She got charged with simple assault... which mean she ain't hit him she was being a meanie and he called the cops🤣
@op fix ya title
At the very least she attempted to which is still bad lol if it was reversed she would be calling baby a woman beater
domestic abuse??? y'all soft
You soft for not quoting me
domestic abuse is domestic abuse it don’t matter how light
he was smart for calling the cops before it escalated and to cover his back
At the very least she attempted to which is still bad lol if it was reversed she would be calling baby a woman beater
now we speculating If you call the cops on a b**** cuz she said she finna beat you up you a hoe like Baby
Yea I agree with that. Shouldve kept it as private as possible but I do understand why he recorded the situation
i have no problem with him recording it. But he specifically went on instagram live. That tells me he just wanted to get attention. He could have easily recorded it privately
now we speculating If you call the cops on a b**** cuz she said she finna beat you up you a hoe like Baby
in the video she laid his hands on him and his phone after he told her to not touch him. :word:
bro you are so female-identified RELAX 😂
he wasn’t being sexist, merely pointing out these women are in a sexist industry
I know yall got this weird thing with me but how am I female identified when I literally went on a whole rant telling homeboy he's wrong for saying Dababy shouldn't have called police on her?
in the video she laid his hands on him and his phone after he told her to not touch him. :word:
When was that lol
Glad she caught a charge lol
If we treat her with equality, she's technically a domestic abuser
I just don't understand why people talmbout he's snitching
Like if your partner is assaulting you, man or woman, I would hope that the police get called. I really want people to be more comfortable with calling the police or family in situations of domestic abuse. I know it ain't easy but damn.
They just freestyling they don’t know anything about street s*** or how ugly a domestic situation can get especially for a black man with some nonblack woman. No matter how wrong he might be about everything else calling the police and recording the situation when it became abusive isn’t something anyone should be hung up on.
I know yall got this weird thing with me but how am I female identified when I literally went on a whole rant telling homeboy he's wrong for saying Dababy shouldn't have called police on her?
bc there was nothing sexist about the post you quoted but you tried to make it seem as such
I didn’t see the rant you posted n don’t feel like going through nearly 40 pages to find it. but no one’s got a weird thing about you bro, just tryna get you off that high horse you love riding lol
and it’s not just you, it’s many posters on this site who are female-identified. it’s like y’all get some weird high out of being self-righteous and trying to make it seem like folks are hating on women when they’re just giving their opinions or stating facts
to be fair though, there are hella woman-haters on ktt so sometimes it is justified. but other times such as this one, it’s not and just comes off as fake outrage and virtue signaling
At the very least she attempted to which is still bad lol if it was reversed she would be calling baby a woman beater
38 pages? for what?