  • Nov 18, 2021
    5 replies

    Now da baby is one of the realest niggas ever in this situation

    This is what you call a b**** ass nigga who deserve death

    Zac stacy you deserve death b****

  • Nov 18, 2021

    Now da baby is one of the realest niggas ever in this situation

    This is what you call a b**** ass nigga who deserve death

    Zac stacy you deserve death b****

    holy s***

  • And look how stupid everyone in the first couple of pages look when Dababy is in the right this time

  • Nov 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Now da baby is one of the realest niggas ever in this situation

    This is what you call a b**** ass nigga who deserve death

    Zac stacy you deserve death b****


    whats this got to do with dababy tho?

  • Nov 18, 2021

    Now da baby is one of the realest niggas ever in this situation

    This is what you call a b**** ass nigga who deserve death

    Zac stacy you deserve death b****

    What the actual f***

  • Nov 18, 2021

    Now da baby is one of the realest niggas ever in this situation

    This is what you call a b**** ass nigga who deserve death

    Zac stacy you deserve death b****

    Ig link not loading

  • Nov 18, 2021


    whats this got to do with dababy tho?

    @Daveacee9 just weird bro.

  • Nov 18, 2021
    1 reply

    This nigga continues to move like a nigga that wore a diaper to get put on

  • Timbs

    This nigga continues to move like a nigga that wore a diaper to get put on

  • 1887

    She got charged with simple assault... which mean she ain't hit him she was being a meanie and he called the cops🤣

    @op fix ya title

    Definition of Simple Assault
    The crime of simple assault is a misdemeanor except in rare circumstances, but the definition of this crime varies from state to state.

    Assault as a threat
    In some states, the crime of assault consists of threatening behavior and does not involve any physical touching. Under this definition, a person commits an assault if he threatens another person with immediate bodily harm by behavior or statements, appears to have the ability to carry out the threat, and causes the person to feel fear. An example of this type of assault is an able-bodied man yelling moving closer and closer to another person (perhaps with a drawn fist or a knife within reach) and yelling that he will cut, hit, or otherwise physically injure the person.

    Assault as a physical attack or attempted physical attack
    In other states, assault consists of an intentional physical attack or offensive touching of another person or an attempted physical contact or offensive touching. This type of assault can involve pushing someone during an argument, striking a person with your fist, spitting on a person, or attempting to do any of those things without making contact.

    These charges can be easily made on Dababy if he did any of this lol

  • Nov 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Now da baby is one of the realest niggas ever in this situation

    This is what you call a b**** ass nigga who deserve death

    Zac stacy you deserve death b****

    what was this?

  • Nov 18, 2021
    6 replies

    what was this?

  • ny bookers

    jesus christ..........................

  • Nov 18, 2021
    ny bookers

    Yea I’m not watching this. F*** him though, he needs to be put under the jail.

  • Nov 21, 2021
    ny bookers

    Throw away the mf key

  • mishima 😈
    Nov 21, 2021
    ny bookers

    I lasted 10 seconds. I ain’t watching

  • Nov 21, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    I just don't understand why people talmbout he's snitching

    Like if your partner is assaulting you, man or woman, I would hope that the police get called. I really want people to be more comfortable with calling the police or family in situations of domestic abuse. I know it ain't easy but damn.

    Worwt thing about the word "Snitch" or "Snitching" is when it got in the mainstream public consciousness & lexicon

  • Nov 21, 2021
    ny bookers

    bro… wtf

    Nov 21, 2021
    ny bookers

    nigga doin wwe moves on a woman plus its his BM plus he did it right in front the baby there's a special place in the pits for this nigga

  • May 31, 2023
    7 replies

    Surprised no thread was made

  • May 31, 2023

    Surprised no thread was made

  • earthwalka

    Surprised no thread was made


    hope the victim can eventually make a full recovery
    she’s probably finished tbh

  • May 31, 2023

  • earthwalka

    Surprised no thread was made

