the best thing coming from that duo
Further cementing you as the worst 💯💯💯
what the f*** i thought it was gon be somethin new
i was literally playing nothing but DP the past couple days too
Discovery and RAM 2 of the best albums of the 21st century, wish them the best in retirement
Part of me hopes this is just marketing for a new album, but I know it’s not and they would never do something like that. I am a sadboi
this exists?
I can't find the interview where James Blake or Andre 3000 say it and that ultimately the song became something else
Part of me hopes this is just marketing for a new album, but I know it’s not and they would never do something like that. I am a sadboi
Weren’t they working on another soundtrack what happened with that?
Fake news sadly
Lmao yall be really kidding yourselves if you dont think they will comeback in the future.....$$$ is always a powerful motivation
Friday is the 20th anniversary of discovery
Lmao yall be really kidding yourselves if you dont think they will comeback in the future.....$$$ is always a powerful motivation
Yeah money is so important for Daft Punk! That is why they toured every 10 years lmfaooooo
life just getting s***tier by the day
ngl never heard a single daft punk song ever
RIP tho