Yeah money is so important for Daft Punk! That is why they toured every 10 years lmfaooooo
Lol more logistics than that
Yeah money is so important for Daft Punk! That is why they toured every 10 years lmfaooooo
yeah they care so much about money that the last time they toured was in 2007 lol
Lol more logistics than that
How do you figure? It’s been pretty evident throughout their career money was never really a driving force like it is for most artists
ngl never heard a single daft punk song ever
You’ve heard get lucky, throw that on rn I’m sure you know it
ngl never heard a single daft punk song ever
Not even their hip hop related work?
ngl never heard a single daft punk song ever
Never heard Get Lucky? Stronger? Starboy or I Feel It Coming?
Lmao yall be really kidding yourselves if you dont think they will comeback in the future.....$$$ is always a powerful motivation
They came from money pretty sure their net worth is 9 figures
impossibly unattainable, isn't that a double negative
ngl never heard a single daft punk song ever
I’m sure you’ve heard ‘One More Time’ many times and just ain’t realize it was them
How do you figure? It’s been pretty evident throughout their career money was never really a driving force like it is for most artists
Im speculating in an eventual future....people say the same about Aphex Twin. The touring for Daft Punk in general is not very economical because a lot of money goes in... the alive 2007 setup was about a million if I remember correctly.
I can't find the interview where James Blake or Andre 3000 say it and that ultimately the song became something else
Damn do you know how long ago the interview happened? Also wonder if frank hit them up for a remix alongside those other electronic producers
Daft Punk was one of those pillars foe me as a young child that sort of broadened my horizons musically. I remember where I was when I first heard College Dropout and what that did to me, I remember where I was when I came home from school one day and turned on MTV and saw 3 dudes standing in a gym surrounded by skate boarders singing “you can’t be me I’m a rockstar, I’m rhyming on the top of a cop car,” I remember where I was when I first came across a dude in a metal mask rapping about Spider-Man and the fantastic 4 and I remember where I was when I first saw those robot helmets and heard “Something About Us” hell of a run
Ain’t no way in the world you could have went through summer ‘13 and not have heard ‘get lucky’ a ton of times