What a lifetime of doing backflips for mid white women does to a brown boy.
Fellas, brown boys, we can do better. We must first love ourselves rather than try to conform and demean ourselves in order to fit into some narrow specifications set by these TammyLynn ass women who not gonna give you the time of day anyway because of your skin tone.
Play own game and the white women along with the full spectrum of women will be there waiting.
“Middle Eastern living in western country’ can you narrow this down or are you a spy?
At the end of the day there’s a lot of white women who would choose the bummy-est white boy over any brown boy any day.
Once you make peace with that, accept the fact that most white’s are foolish, and explore the endless other options out there you gonna be more than good my guy.
it's 2021 my guy. if you are valid you can get b****es of any race. if you ugly then you probably gotta stay in your own race lane or go after the duds in other races.
time to take a long look in the mirror and figure out where you stand
At the end of the day there’s a lot of white women who would choose the bummy-est white boy over any brown boy any day.
Once you make peace with that, accept the fact that most white’s are foolish, and explore the endless other options out there you gonna be more than good my guy.
this is an interesting take to me considering i see white guys saying the exact opposite lol - they are having a hard time with women cause they go for other races instead
wonder if it just boils down to male ego
if a women doesn’t want me, must be because of my race, financial situation, job, etc - which can definitely be the case in some situations, but i don’t think it’s a blanket rule applying to everyone
Stop using dating apps OP, stick to in person. S*** kills a man's confidence, it's rigged for only the 10's. Also recommend Coach Corey's Wayne's book on female attraction, I guarantee your race has very little to do with lack of success.
Never been on dating apps so I can’t speak on that but I’m black and I been with girls outside of my race
it's 2021 my guy. if you are valid you can get b****es of any race. if you ugly then you probably gotta stay in your own race lane or go after the duds in other races.
time to take a long look in the mirror and figure out where you stand
Ehhh, not necessarily true tbh.
Ehhh, not necessarily true tbh.
I mean you might not get that one girl in particular because of a host of reasons
But saying s*** like “I can’t get white, Asian, Latina, etc girls because I’m ___” is out the window
mfw you preference is black so you don't really gaf
if you cute and non-ignorant though, idc if you black, brown, white, red, yellow, purple, polka dotted tho
that's the only thing as a black minority that be like....I actually like you, I don't know if you looking at me as just a quota or something lol.
never dated or did anything with a white women
blessing in disguise tbh
I seen what they do to black men, it NEVER ends well and they're always insufferable privileged b****es
no such thing as an uneven playing field.
youre just ugly on the inside. all that pawg p*** has you f***ed up. time for a dopamine detox
Meh. I’m engaged but even when I wasn’t, I never really had an issue getting women. To be fair, I live in Toronto tho and I guess it’s way easier in a big city.
Thread for minorities in western countries to discuss their dating experiences
I’m middle eastern living in a pretty small western country. As long as your not autistic white guys here have absolutely no issues getting women. The hottest girls only look their way, and they never want anything serious with a non white guy.
The sad part is even the minority women want western men. I’m attractive and successful, more than most of these white guys and get lots of matches on dating apps but very few follow throughs. A lot of women in this society instantly exclude minorities like me as an option
I can pull girls irl I’m not awkward but playing the game on an uneven playing field can be frustrating.
Share your thoughts and fellow experiences below
being ethnic looking eliminates you from contention in alot of people's eyes smh I didn't realize how much of love was race based untill I went on tinder. The best rule is to always go for the ones who look like you, since they'll probably accept you more
being ethnic looking eliminates you from contention in alot of people's eyes smh I didn't realize how much of love was race based untill I went on tinder. The best rule is to always go for the ones who look like you, since they'll probably accept you more
Its funnier when people seem uncomfortable being attracted to you
I only really date non-white women, and usually only women that are Black or at least mixed with Black. It's not a rule that I have, it's just who I usually end up connecting with. I've dated 2 white girls, and one of them was a very weird experience and I haven't dated one since then. B**** got way too comfortable.
White girls are just weird as s***. Def feel a lot of the people itt saying theyve had bad experience w them.
It's tough being middle eastern these days but you gotta own it. Maybe you say vague weird s*** when they ask where you from.. like "I'm a middle eastern living in a small western country"
It's tough being middle eastern these days but you gotta own it. Maybe you say vague weird s*** when they ask where you from.. like "I'm a middle eastern living in a small western country"
I don’t say that s*** irl I’m not autistic but I don’t want to give specifics about myself on this platform