then you should understand me even more!
i grew up in the hood and worked since I was 16 to leave it, I almost starved to pay rent thats why I value my house so much and if someone tried to f*** with it I would be relentless too!
Nigga came up to turn his back on his own kind
ok Mother Theresa
all you do is throw insults at niggas wanting to do the right thing it's funny to see lol.
Yeah but you don’t relate to Dave and a lot of other successful black people and I mean that respectfully. And It’s not that simple.
Imagine using your money for something that’s not even your fault to begin with when there’s others capable of actually making that change. Why should you? Out of the goodness of your heart? Ok fine. And what if it completely fails? You said you tried? That’s fine. But everyone values money differently.
This is a weird ass post too lol. Especially when niggas been saying for years how our own should start giving back instead of getting the bag and turning their back on our own people lol.
He also offered to buy the land from the developer from its original listing @ 2 million and the developer jacked it up to 6 million
The developer is literally extorting him
He also offered to buy the land from the developer from its original listing @ 2 million and the developer jacked it up to 6 million
The developer is literally extorting him
This facts? You got a source?
tf is chappelle even doing in ohio lol bro got 60m off a special go be secluded in hidden hills or something
This is a weird ass post too lol. Especially when niggas been saying for years how our own should start giving back instead of getting the bag and turning their back on our own people lol.
…and where exactly has this been done? Also, I never said that it shouldn’t be done. Right now I’m taking about what’s happening not what should be happening
why are the people in the crowd laughing the man is being serious
Their laughing that he called them clowns
it aint even about "poor people"
its about dramatically decreasing the property value of the houses already there
if I bought my house knowing its in a well-off suburb yeah im gonna be pissed if you build affordable housing near it
I want affordable housing on Drakes street, and nobody tell me I ain’t allowed to want that /s
Account from the area posted this
And I stand corrected.
Props to Dave but a LOT of yall in this thread exposed yallselves for being some heartless NIMBY ass motherfuckers lol.
Next Chappelle Netflix special: Hey, guys, I have one poor friend...
Gross oversimplification of his last special but it’s funny so it will b allowed
Account from the area posted this
300k "affordable housing" ??
300k "affordable housing" ??
Lol bruh with an FHA loan a 300k house can be bought at $10,500. That’s realistically easy to gather especially as a first time homebuyer. There are tons of programs that assist people in that process.
A brand new house for 300k is a steal
Switch your mindset up and learn various ways to purchase assets