  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    Like if you think he is a piece of s*** I am not mad at you for thinking that and rather than have a further discussion I said aight.

  • Black Future Month has been rough

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Again you are the only poster who has access to thinking deeper to nuance

    Lmao at first I seen OP and was like Damn Dave, then after asking for more context, @Undecided & @frenchpress gave me some and I went to the Twitter thread to just look for myself.

    Found that thread in the replies and seen the dude was from the area and linked it in here

  • Feb 10, 2022

    It literally says that the provision to designate some of the units as "affordable" was what spurred the complaints from residents, and the threat from Chappelle to "'to pull his business interests from the village, which include a plan for a restaurant called “Firehouse Eatery” and comedy club called 'Live from YS.'". This was voted over again and revised in council because of the reaction of those business owners in response to a section being provisioned for affordable housing, which makes them sound even worse lol since most of the properties were still going to be sold at market rates.

    Like, this exact story happens all the time - developer and the city make a deal where 40 out of say the 300 units at a proposed development are sold at below market rates or are designated affordable, local nimbies in the area, (usually rich places) complain loudly at town halls and use the exact same rationale you'll hear from them every time - development ends up being passed with even less to often no affordable housing component whatsoever. This project wasn't going to change the demographics of that hippie town and wasn't aiming to, but it's clear what Chappelle and his neighbours' intentions are - that don't they want poors living in their area, they stymied one tiny concession to allow for it, and that even the slightest hint of or attempt towards demographic change or parity is enough for them to bail and for them to take their tax dollars elsewhere.

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    Lol what kinda take is this

    Him being greedy and f***ing poor people is okay because he's black? Idk if you knew but black people disproportionately live in poverty, odds are that he's screwing over at least some black families with this move

    I swear this type of thinking is like saying nahh let's not abolish slavery let's just have more black slaveowners

    Dumbass s***

    Not once did I say that but keep putting words in people mouth. If you actually would read instead of getting f***ing emotional you’d see I didn’t say anything your just implied. I also don’t need you to tell me things that are obvious.

    What a dumbass a***ogy too btw. But you’ll say whatever to make yourself try appear correct when there is no answer to this.

  • Feb 10, 2022
    4 replies

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

  • Feb 10, 2022


  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    The houses are being built anyway.

    He objects to the houses being built at all

    This is very lesser of evils talk because again if you look up Oberer homes they don't give a f***. Their goal isn't really affordable housing or helping those in need. Look up their entire history its there.

    It really isn't about loving Dave Chappelle its about cool I see a headline let me look further and determine wtf is going on before I genuinely speak on it.

    Chappelle is far from perfect but I can tell when something is a calculated hit piece especially by what is said and what is omitted

    They’re ridiculous. They’ll just keep changing the argument man. First it’s about Dave hating poor people, then it’s about him being greedy and now he’s a piece of s*** because he doesn’t want the houses at all lol.

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Damn he turned into Evil Dave Chapelle once he heard the word affordable

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Internet activists. You’d get more done on Twitter than here

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    They’re ridiculous. They’ll just keep changing the argument man. First it’s about Dave hating poor people, then it’s about him being greedy and now he’s a piece of s*** because he doesn’t want the houses at all lol.

    That is why I am just like "aight"

    I am not going to be mad at them for them simply wanting to hate and not seek more info it is what it is. Inclusion is a Hell of a D***

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    You made it through all that tho proud of you and better things to come bro

    Preciate it 🙏🏾

    It's still scary how bad s*** is now but there's a way forward which is all that matters

    Still be thinking about how my mom told me she was mentally and emotionally preparing herself for my passing late last year

    I don't be posting a lot in politics yet because I wanna wait until my health is better and I can think through things better and read more but man living through a lot of what you MFs talk about is insane in how it beats an innate understanding of those ideas into you

    Can't wait til I get my knowledge up so I can put words to it and do something with it beyond it be trauma rotting my center

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    That is why I am just like "aight"

    I am not going to be mad at them for them simply wanting to hate and not seek more info it is what it is. Inclusion is a Hell of a D***

    Why would i want to hate on my fav comedian oat lmao

    I wish he was a proletarian hero but he's not it is what it is

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Talk to em

    Was on the verge of homelessness twice last year and even though I have a good place to live now I was shaken in a way that will take a long time to recover from, if I'm able to at all

    I'm not well enough right now to survive being homeless very long right now so it was very close to being a wrap for me

    S***'s beyond traumatic, every time I hear people locking up next to me or coming up the stairwell I brace up preparing to get pulled out and there's a lot worse beyond that I'm dealing with daily now

    That is real I experienced homelessness living in car for some of past 2 years it really changes your perspective entirely when you see people without cars or same access to things choose to not go to homeless shelters because of the system. As well as how much the system especially in a pandemic rejects so many of them or places so many rules on them that it mirrors the prison system but instead being punished for poverty.

    Love to you.

    Affordable housing is more complicated to me than is being presented in this thread as well as rezoning, but it is interesting to see peoples takes

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Why would i want to hate on my fav comedian oat lmao

    I wish he was a proletarian hero but he's not it is what it is

    The same way I have some nuance to the safe d*** centers I have some here as well. I have experienced homelessness and am all for these systems changing but in many cases I feel its more complicated than people are looking in many many many ways.

    Affordable housing isnt some great balancer of gentrification. High Density 300k housing with the cost of living in the jobs in the area of Dayton Ohio or close to it for a commute. Even if it was much much lower but at a certain point you have to be realistic about what this is actually about

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    Nigga put his entire Netflix check into investments into this community or somethin?

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Feb 10, 2022
    Gabagool Mentality

    Nigga put his entire Netflix check into investments into this community or somethin?

    Title is incorrect i believe. His company makes that amount every year and he gives a lot back to the community apparently. Its not about him giving 65 mil to em

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    Preciate it 🙏🏾

    It's still scary how bad s*** is now but there's a way forward which is all that matters

    Still be thinking about how my mom told me she was mentally and emotionally preparing herself for my passing late last year

    I don't be posting a lot in politics yet because I wanna wait until my health is better and I can think through things better and read more but man living through a lot of what you MFs talk about is insane in how it beats an innate understanding of those ideas into you

    Can't wait til I get my knowledge up so I can put words to it and do something with it beyond it be trauma rotting my center

    Man I'm sorry you had to go thru that don't even worry about any of that just give yourself time to get back on your feet first

    But yeah it really is true how your own position in the system plays a big role in shaping your view of it, so it also makes sense that a rich person would do things like this

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Doesn't surprise me. Not only is he a transphobe but he's a coon

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    The same way I have some nuance to the safe d*** centers I have some here as well. I have experienced homelessness and am all for these systems changing but in many cases I feel its more complicated than people are looking in many many many ways.

    Affordable housing isnt some great balancer of gentrification. High Density 300k housing with the cost of living in the jobs in the area of Dayton Ohio or close to it for a commute. Even if it was much much lower but at a certain point you have to be realistic about what this is actually about

    Is it a perfect solution? Of course not. Is it better than houses being 400k instead of 300k? Obviously lol.

    Just because the solution doesn't go far enough doesn't mean it absolves Dave Chappelle

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Is it a perfect solution? Of course not. Is it better than houses being 400k instead of 300k? Obviously lol.

    Just because the solution doesn't go far enough doesn't mean it absolves Dave Chappelle

    The cost of living there would allow for this to be more or less meaningless especially when you combine with inflation and how Oberer is infamous for again how they run and attend to our properties. Dont take my word for it read their reviews

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    Man I'm sorry you had to go thru that don't even worry about any of that just give yourself time to get back on your feet first

    But yeah it really is true how your own position in the system plays a big role in shaping your view of it, so it also makes sense that a rich person would do things like this

    Thank you

    I be wondering if money would change me after all this because I been get beat down BAD for over a decade

    I had a really frightening bout of food insecurity ten years ago and ever since I've been really worried about food/able to eat a lot in one setting in preparation for some perpetual famine on the horizon even when there's plenty of good so I feel like it would be the same way for money

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    The cost of living there would allow for this to be more or less meaningless especially when you combine with inflation and how Oberer is infamous for again how they run and attend to our properties. Dont take my word for it read their reviews

    Please tell me why any of this information means that an estimated 100k increase in the price of the houses is actually not bad lol

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba
