uhhhh ok thanks for the info dave
uhhhh ok thanks for the info dave
the other lady was probably gonna come out publicly and he did this to beat the story
Grohl @op
when I was twelve I loved the foo fighters and read a biography of him that dude was cheating all the time
Its so insane to me that cheating is considered like, a cancellable offense to people now
I remember when that one dude from Try Guys had everyone and their mother against him because he cheated on his wife
stupid f***ing mistakes
Is dave grohl the 2 time?
Its so insane to me that cheating is considered like, a cancellable offense to people now
I remember when that one dude from Try Guys had everyone and their mother against him because he cheated on his wife
At least from the point of view of the other dudes in the team it made sense to be mad because the woman was their employee, power dynamics at work and the possibility of lawsuit
Its so insane to me that cheating is considered like, a cancellable offense to people now
I remember when that one dude from Try Guys had everyone and their mother against him because he cheated on his wife
8 dudes who cheat liked this comment
8 dudes who cheat liked this comment
I just don't think cheating needs to be this big notes apology thing on Instagram? That's all