I hate that this PR’ified Instagram public statement s*** statement is normal now. A dude who was in f***ing Nirvana has a b****** child and needs to announce that he’s “moving forward together”? B**** made world man.
At least from the point of view of the other dudes in the team it made sense to be mad because the woman was their employee, power dynamics at work and the possibility of lawsuit
Oh, well yeah. That's very different.
Surely an outlet was about to break the story or the woman was gonna out him or something because why would you ever post this publicly lmaoo. Like yeah gain your wife and your kids trust back why are we being told
I hate that this PR’ified Instagram public statement s*** statement is normal now. A dude who was in f***ing Nirvana has a b****** child and needs to announce that he’s “moving forward together”? B**** made world man.
bro saw a man being honest and sensitive and really felt some type of way
Cheating is like the least worst thing a celebrity could do
I dont believe ANY famous musician or actor under 70 is monogamous
bro saw a man being honest and sensitive and really felt some type of way
Do we really need a public statement about a rockstar cheating
Its so insane to me that cheating is considered like, a cancellable offense to people now
I remember when that one dude from Try Guys had everyone and their mother against him because he cheated on his wife
word cheating is terrible but at the end of the day i dont really gaf man i dont know these ppl lol
word cheating is terrible but at the end of the day i dont really gaf man i dont know these ppl lol
No, I'm sorry. You must be pro-cheating if you don't think this was a stunning and brave, vulnerable move of Dave.
No, I'm sorry. You must be pro-cheating if you don't think this was a stunning and brave, vulnerable move of Dave.
what are you even mad about lol, can men just be normal for once
Its so insane to me that cheating is considered like, a cancellable offense to people now
I remember when that one dude from Try Guys had everyone and their mother against him because he cheated on his wife
Good. Deserved
How can I invovle Kendrick and Drake in this
too late for drake but you could still whip somethin up for kenny
what are you even mad about lol, can men just be normal for once
I'm mad at the kind of discourse you bring to this site. I think it's extremely disingenuous most of the time.
I'm mad at the kind of discourse you bring to this site. I think it's extremely disingenuous most of the time.
I straight up dont know or care what youre talking about lol. either be more specific or keep my name out of your mouth.
I straight up dont know or care what youre talking about lol. either be more specific or keep my name out of your mouth.
How can I be more specific? I think the posts you make on here are bad.
How can I be more specific? I think the posts you make on here are bad.
good for you
Your posts to me embody this picture, plainly.