Also lol @ hurt my feelings
You gonna hurl a graphic death threat towards me and my family because I said I don’t like the posts you make?
its implied in every response babe 💅
Idk how the foo fighters have kept this like sanitized public image for the last how ever many years now
Like Dave was a part of the Songs For the Deaf recording sessions and went on tour with Queens after. I love Queens but no one is inviting those desert speed fiends to the whitehouse
Dave f***ed up though his family is never gonna fully trust him again, I hope that if I’m blessed enough to have a family I’m ready for it and don’t betray their trust
Good on him if he takes care of his new child properly though
Its so insane to me that cheating is considered like, a cancellable offense to people now
I remember when that one dude from Try Guys had everyone and their mother against him because he cheated on his wife
People dont like s***heads and would rather not support them
Its so insane to me that cheating is considered like, a cancellable offense to people now
I remember when that one dude from Try Guys had everyone and their mother against him because he cheated on his wife
I think the line in the sand for things like these is when ppl like Ned from Try Guys and Dave Grohl present themselves as the LAST person who would even do something like this but then do
How can I invovle Kendrick and Drake in this
Kendricks cheating Drakes hidden kid theres something there for sure i see the vision
People dont like s***heads and would rather not support them
It's not about the public reaction, moreso the fact that celebrities nowadays feel like they need to do this when caught cheating. I feel like this is a fairly new phenomenon
Kendricks cheating Drakes hidden kid theres something there for sure i see the vision
Let’s workshop this
Think we can get the thread really going
Kendricks cheating Drakes hidden kid theres something there for sure i see the vision
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
It's not about the public reaction, moreso the fact that celebrities nowadays feel like they need to do this when caught cheating. I feel like this is a fairly new phenomenon
It is but look how they crucified Tiger Woods
The public backlash isn't that new, the perpetrators having to speak out is
In a world where more info is privy, people look more to cover themselves and their potential money
rock n roll is back
Surely an outlet was about to break the story or the woman was gonna out him or something because why would you ever post this publicly lmaoo. Like yeah gain your wife and your kids trust back why are we being told
It's not about the public reaction, moreso the fact that celebrities nowadays feel like they need to do this when caught cheating. I feel like this is a fairly new phenomenon
I get that youre stupid but I think your last two brain cells can rub together and figure out that normal people think lying is bad
I get that youre stupid but I think your last two brain cells can rub together and figure out that normal people think lying is bad
Can you please tell me to kill myself and stop responding to me. You once again just did the “so you think waffles are bad?” thing to me
Can you please tell me to kill myself and stop responding to me. You once again just did the “so you think waffles are bad?” thing to me
Can't believe you hate waffles smh
Can't believe you hate waffles smh
I get she’s upset, but like damn girl read your posts before you hit send lmfao.
I get that youre stupid but I think your last two brain cells can rub together and figure out that normal people think lying is bad
Something can be bad but also not really news worthy lol
It is but look how they crucified Tiger Woods
The public backlash isn't that new, the perpetrators having to speak out is
In a world where more info is privy, people look more to cover themselves and their potential money
Yeah. It makes sense that in the social media age, celebs are trying to get the one up on the topic directly. I just remember where we used to hear about s*** like this in tabloids and talk shows lol, not straight from the horses mouth.
Something can be bad but also not really news worthy lol
other ppl already said it itt, he trying to get ahead of the tabloids and control the narrative. whether or not he really feels repentant about the whole thing is another story but I still get why he made the post.