I’m going through listening to all of his albums but Idk what one I should do next. Lodger Scary monsters or Heroes are my options
I’m going through listening to all of his albums but Idk what one I should do next. Lodger Scary monsters or Heroes are my options
whats the last one u listened to?
oh i thought you were going in chronological order i see...
hmm i'd say then it really doesn't matter with what you go next tbh
honestly i would say so yeah. every one of those albums is like as good as it gets lmao idk how he did it.
But Cave been in this for 35
And Waits has a good 30 on him
But Cave been in this for 35
And Waits has a good 30 on him
that’s very true, Lou Reed also needs to be mentioned in this convo for having classics in every decade since the 60s
that’s very true, Lou Reed also needs to be mentioned in this convo for having classics in every decade since the 60s
Even the last 3?
self titled one is growing on me. thought it was pretty meh when i first listened but ive adapted to like it
earthling got gems
little wonder
When he died I was visiting London with my back then gf and there was a popular spot I don’t remember what it was but it must’ve been related to him because it’s where everyone left flowers and s*** so we both signed a farewell on it
It was such a surreal thing to experience
When he died I was visiting London with my back then gf and there was a popular spot I don’t remember what it was but it must’ve been related to him because it’s where everyone left flowers and s*** so we both signed a farewell on it
It was such a surreal thing to experience
was it in brixton? its where he was born.
Even the last 3?
of course Songs For Drella in the 90s, highly underrated Ecstasy in the 00s, and Lulu is a ‘10s classic just for how funny it is lmao.
This lowkey the best Bowie song ya’ll have never heard:
When he died I was visiting London with my back then gf and there was a popular spot I don’t remember what it was but it must’ve been related to him because it’s where everyone left flowers and s*** so we both signed a farewell on it
It was such a surreal thing to experience
I can’t imagine being in London when he died
He was so much more popular there in his prime than America
It's absolutely amazing that Bowie gave All the Young Dudes away as a song as if to say 'This one might work'
i recently listened to the 2018 remaster of the never let me down album and they really polished that album quite well.
the biggest gripe has always been its production to most people
but they really elevated the production on some of the songs and made them better.
there is just more oomph to it now.
this one hits different
He loved this band he visited in a studio in 1999.
'June of 1999, New York City. I was the first to walk into Avatar Studios to get an early start in warming up and recording and Tony Visconti was there with the engineer and a nondescript gentleman sitting next to him.
“Good morning Jason, I want to introduce you to David Bowie.”
Jaw on the floor, in absolute awe. I smiled, said hello, tried my best to hold it together and make small talk about attacking squirrels in the city. All the while trying to not to jump up and down and lose myself in front of a guy whose records I’d listened to since I was 12.
“When you came into the room Jason, I thought for a second you were Frank Black!” I smiled and let him know I was a Pixies fan, too.
What an experience. And it got better.
When the band got into the room and we gathered into the control room, all of us equally in shock as I was, he gave us great feedback on the music that we made for what ultimately became Viva Nueva. When Tony Visconti asked him if he’d like to contribute to the album, he said, “Definitely.”
A week later, we’re at Phillip Glass’ studio in NYC having Bowie record vocals for two songs, “Sector Z” (which was a tongue-in-cheek tribute to his Ziggy Stardust character) and “Man Without A Mouth”. His vocal delivery and professionalism showed why he was one of the legends. Spot-on and complimentary to each song. We were in awe. Once he was done, he was off to have lunch with his wife and we shot a couple of photos reveling in the moment. When he left, we all collapsed and laughed and hi-fived each other at what had just happened to our lives. What had happened was huge. We knew what we did for music was significant, but it became big in the eyes of one of our heroes. That moment wasn’t lost. I’ll never forget that memory and the best summer of my life.
David Bowie was rock’s greatest innovator. There would still be rock and roll without him but it would not be the same. It wouldn't have its spark. Bowie realized the music as a blank template to take risks and drive it in weird and cool directions. That's his contribution to the music. He coalesced music, art, fashion into one.
I’m so sad to see him pass. So much great music. He had not just one great album but several. Young Americans. Low. Scary Monsters. Blackstar, his last. Meeting him was great. A really positive individual who cracked jokes and chained-smoked and was tremendous in sharing what he knew. Working with him and Tony Visconti was a blessing.
A lot of people in the next few days will wax about his contribution to music better than I will, but I wanted to say thanks to him for making a dream I never dared to have come true. What a huge loss for music. I'm heartbroken. There won’t be another Bowie.'
David Bowie is dead. F*** every arrogant prick rock star that ever lived. '
@deepsleep I did want to show you this because it is amazing. Bowie Celebration show with the following musicians and singer's
Mike Garson
Earl Slick
Charlie Sexton (Dylan's lead guitarist)
But the surprise just doesn't stop there, the two lead singer's who take up the majority of the setlist: Bernard Fowler (Rolling Stones GOAT vocal collaborator) & Corey Glover
Simply great and unusual to see a celebration show with 2 singer's like that so unexpected. What a setlist
I didn't know Corey was touring show after show
But Bernard and Corey do the majority of this show. Bowie was probably fans of both of them. 2 of the greatest singer's who don't get their due, shine at this show.
Garson really arranged this well
@deepsleep I did want to show you this because it is amazing. Bowie Celebration show with the following musicians and singer's
Mike Garson
Earl Slick
Charlie Sexton (Dylan's lead guitarist)
But the surprise just doesn't stop there, the two lead singer's who take up the majority of the setlist: Bernard Fowler (Rolling Stones GOAT vocal collaborator) & Corey Glover
Simply great and unusual to see a celebration show with 2 singer's like that so unexpected. What a setlist
I didn't know Corey was touring show after show
But Bernard and Corey do the majority of this show. Bowie was probably fans of both of them. 2 of the greatest singer's who don't get their due, shine at this show.
Garson really arranged this well
u the goat dude lmao
i will watch this once i have the time!
never saw it before