Nah, I want Burton on Batman Beyond. Burton using the iconic aesthetic from the first 2 films for a cyberpunk Batman movie would be too insane to pass on. It would match well with the tone Reeves is establishing.
Love Denis and I know he would be able to do a great job with Beyond but yeah dude Burton would nail Beyond
Feel like Earth 1 is gonna be Keaton mentoring a younger Bat-Person and Earth 2 is Pattinson
Or they continue with Bat-Fleck in team up films only
Nah, I want Burton on Batman Beyond. Burton using the iconic aesthetic from the first 2 films for a cyberpunk Batman movie would be too insane to pass on. It would match well with the tone Reeves is establishing.
Burton washed unfortunately
Feel like Earth 1 is gonna be Keaton mentoring a younger Bat-Person and Earth 2 is Pattinson
Or they continue with Bat-Fleck in team up films only
The way they were talking about the Keaton casting in the summer made it seem this way
Don’t think they’re doing the flash movie without keeping at least one of the two at the end
If it’s Keaton hope they just lock it to HBO Max. Nothing is gaining more steam with the hype Batman 2022 already has
For a mysterious hero like Batman DC sure loves to w**** him around
More like WB
It’s their only lifeline at this point
I f*** with it. Normalizing this will allow directors to make more unique movies without having to worry about the tone and continuity of the DCEU. They can use dimensional shake ups to bring the best elements together if they wanted to. We get more movies instead of being stuck with a s***ty iteration indefinitely.
And if it’s successful, maybe we’ll see Marvel allowing directors to take more risks on some of their characters as well for standalone movies that don’t have to bend to the MCU plot lines.
Batman should be treated like James Bond or Star Wars where you plug and play anyone and any characters into the stories and roles
This is so f***ing lame it’s not even funny. Unless we talking Batman beyond, there is no reason to even attempt this. WW84 aside, you have finally turned a corner. You are on the cusp of releasing what will undoubtedly be your best film to date and you are about to squander it by making another needless attempt to turn yourself into marvel. Bruh, for the love of god and all that is holy, please, just make good movies.
They’re actually kinda going the opposite of Marvel
And honestly I see marvel/Sony doing this after DC does it with Tom Holland staying with Disney, And Tobey mentoring a Miles Morales or some s*** in the Sony universe
What the f*** are these clowns doing?
What they should have done years ago
stop playing catch up to marvel and do your own unique thing
Need Battfleck HBO Max series just to see what he can do with it; connected to the DCEU
Batman Beyond film series wit Keaton and some young new guy
Pattinson tells the standalone weird/avant-garde/artsy Batman stories
You guys really hate DC..
DC hates DC
What they should have done years ago
stop playing catch up to marvel and do your own unique thing
The irony is they will be playing catching up cause before they launch these Batman films and Flashpoint Marvel will launch their own multiverses films next year with Doctor Strange and Spiderman 3.
By the time DC gets it together Marvel will have launched they Multi verse and brought back half the old actors.
While there will be multiple earths in Flashpoint, I wonder if the Matt Reeves Batman is diegetically included in that or if it’s just WB branding with the ‘Earth 2’ thing like the MCU phases
The irony is they will be playing catching up cause before they launch these Batman films and Flashpoint Marvel will launch their own multiverses films next year with Doctor Strange and Spiderman 3.
By the time DC gets it together Marvel will have launched they Multi verse and brought back half the old actors.
It’s a difference between multiversal event films and having two separate concurrent franchises of the same character, no?