https://twitter.com/ApocHorseman/status/1831161853684445286Stories been boiling for months I’m shocked it took this long for a trade to confirm
They've been trying to get Sgt Rock cooking since the 80s. Joel Silver wanted Arnie to do it. They even had comics in Predator
then Tarantino was offered it with a David Webb script that he said was amazing.
'There’s a really good script that David Webb Peoples wrote for Sgt. Rock’ that I still think about doing that from time to time,” said Tarantino. “I don’t think I will, but I think it’s a really magnificent script and I would do a good job with'
LMAO Gunn wilding
LMAO Gunn wilding
Man is like “We’re gonna distinguish ourselves be making some REAL movies.”
https://twitter.com/ApocHorseman/status/1831161853684445286Crazy if true
dc is back.
DC is so f***ing back
Me, you and @HALLEBERRY been never doubted
I have no references to know if this is dope or not so I’ll just wait & see what happens
is he in debt with some bad guys? why is he making a s*** ton of (quality) movies within a quick span
add it to the list
that's insane
doesn't the article mention that this is next in line before american psycho? or was that just a misleading headline