These weirdos have always been around. The difference is that now they gave them platforms to expose themselves.
Went to a show of theirs a few years ago and the crowd to date was the weirdest I've been around since. Dudes walking around with pepe and fantano stickers on their face
Ppl think they're in some exclusive club for listening to death grips and so they do s*** like this.
F*** what a s***show
A valid line of struggle
Change the artist to jpegmafia and this would be on par to what i expected from a show of his
Nah, I worked a scaring the hoes tour show earlier this year and the fanbase was fairly normal. Lot of hyper white zoomers who were very eager, but no absurd shenanigans.
Peggy was cool tho. He used my sharpie to sign autographs at the barricade a few minutes after the show went down
I was stabbed by a woman with BPD
It's a shame she didn't finish the job off
I can’t even imagine how the band members talk about the new reddit fan base, they’ve got to hate them
i fw the death grips but we gotta be honest, their core fan base is 4chan users
LMAO mans defending this bullshit not surprised this s*** fits you