New trailer + release date announcement:
Embark on an inspiring mission of human connection beyond the UCA.
Sam—with companions by his side—sets out on a new journey to save humanity from extinction.
Join them as they traverse a world beset by otherworldly enemies, obstacles and a haunting question: should we have connected?
Step by step, legendary game creator Hideo Kojima changes the world once again.
“DS2” teaser trailer:
Could be he’s talking about the Directors Cut?
Nah he said sequel, and said Sony and Kojima are in negotiations so it can also be assumed, since there’s no need for negotiations over directors cut since it’s already coming out
Nah he said sequel, and said Sony and Kojima are in negotiations so it can also be assumed, since there’s no need for negotiations over directors cut since it’s already coming out
yeah Sony can keep that
DS hate don’t sit right with me. One of the most beautiful games of all time, the story broke my heart but also left so much open for a happier sequel with Sam raising his daughter
DS hate don’t sit right with me. One of the most beautiful games of all time, the story broke my heart but also left so much open for a happier sequel with Sam raising his daughter
pls keep
First playthrough of death stranding was fire, but we need some replay value close to MGS V from part 2. Couldnt find motivation to play this after beating it since there’s not that many ways of tackling obstacles in the terrain. I expect more from an open world game given his work in Phantom Pain.
Also wouldnt mind if kojima worked on another original title and didnt have to start a new franchise, he was tied down by konami for way too long to just get tied down to another franchise
Still have to play the first
Why make a sequel to that game? Why not make a new original game instead?
if sequels weren’t a thing we wouldn’t have half-life 2, red dead redemption 2, psychonauts 2, halo 2, uncharted 2... I mean the list goes on
Still have to play the first
I’m jealous of you tbh, I wish I could wipe my mind and experience this again for the first time
such a mind-blowing story
I’m jealous of you tbh, I wish I could wipe my mind and experience this again for the first time
such a mind-blowing story
I was weirded out af when those first hour baby scenes popped up
Didn't play cause i was busy with other stuff and now all this stuff about directors cut and the game being better
I figure i can wait a bit more when i can get a PS5 so I can play it on there