downloading it now
Make sure to play directors cut
Make sure to play directors cut
Yeah downloading that
Is the first game good? Don’t think I got very far. Will download again now.
One of the best i ever played
Have to replay first one
Actually i never played directors cut
Wonder if this sort of thing will be dynamic.
looks crazy
Reason to have ps5 pro finally
What a f***ing trailer
I’m just still so confused what the story is but I’ll replay it.
How long does it take to beat the first one
How long does it take to beat the first one
20-30 hours
How long does it take to beat the first one
i got 100% achievements in 80 hours
That lil' Solid Snake reference when that new guy put on his bandana
the MGS nod made me so f***in happy my god I cannot wait
How long does it take to beat the first one
Roughly 30 hours if you stick to just the main story
80+ if you take your time, fully explore, do all the deliveries and collectibles
If you f*** with storytelling like that, Death Stranding is peak.
Decima Engine is so beautfiul
downloading it now
Kojima def gonna stretch this to a trilogy and it's somehow gonna end up involving outer space or the moon