I posted about it recently, but this guy was harassing this trans woman and I yelled at him for a bit and threatened to beat his ass until he apologized and f***ed off.
Nothing crazy She wasn't bothering him at all and he had no reason to be f***ing with her.
Bro this dude deadass crazy or something
Like he fights with everyone over nothing
yeah, he's a nutjob
yeah, he's a nutjob
I remember in school this guy who wasn't tough at all started fronting up this other lil guy and I got in the way and pushed him away started cussing him out
They were both in my circle of friends but it just made me mad bc he was really tryna push around a lil nerdy guy over some bs and he wouldn't have done that to anyone else.
The lil mfs that get uppity piss me off the most. The mfs that get all excited when a girl comes by, or when they wanna joan on a lil dude. I call them out on all that s*** in front of the girl/lil dude. Fk they gon say to me? They don’t say s*** back just “aww man you crazy haha bro..” mf stfu before I ragdoll ya malnourished ass
Holy s*** it was a joke you dense cocksucker, you quote me in EVERY fkn thread & use these weird ass words like “gimmick” & “fanfic”, GET OFF MY NUTS & BLOCK ME WEIRDO.
Black beard was a dog-shit cowardly pirate btw. F*** him & his whole bloodline.