  • Jul 3, 2023

    I deeply regret making this thread

  • Jul 3, 2023
    1 reply

    I don't know why I start conversations im not interested in

  • Jul 3, 2023


  • Jul 3, 2023

    I don't got wifi in my house rn

  • Jul 3, 2023
    1 reply

    What "heritage"? The fact that no matter which nation, the proletariat is still exploited by their bourgeoise? What absolute nonsense that comes from the mouths of nationalists. The "unity" found in the nation is just a bourgeois coping mechanism for class struggle, and is generally the basis for fascism.

    Even most "left-wing nationalists" tend to concede this point, and see national liberation as merely a transitional period towards further post-colonial class struggle.

    I am not a liberal who subscribes to the petty-bourgeois dogma of inclusive "civic nationalism" as being a remedy for its problems, so you're s*** out of luck.

    "What "heritage"? "

    This is a dumb question lmao. You have to be a unique kind of sheltered kid to ask "what heritage" in reference to african nations Not even reading the rest.

  • Jul 3, 2023
    1 reply

    "What "heritage"? "

    This is a dumb question lmao. You have to be a unique kind of sheltered kid to ask "what heritage" in reference to african nations Not even reading the rest.

    No. Read the rest. You've got to keep this conversation going because I'm very interested in following it.

    I've got my "bourgeois" counter going and everything.

    Current count: 3

  • Jul 3, 2023

    It's cool if yall wanna debate but I'm out this b****

    I'm finna get drunk an make beats

  • Jul 3, 2023
    paradise valley

    My country just revealed the latest census numbers and the population is way lower than everyone imagined. It was expected +210kk people but we are only ~203kk

    People are getting older; many are not having children, especially the middle class

    It's over

    Yea we beat

  • Jul 3, 2023

    yep we're already seeing the signs

    the borders are insecure and democrats are too afraid of being being labeled bigots or in bed with china to actually close it up

    Bro no body worried bout some borders them niggas is not an issue

  • Jul 3, 2023
    1 reply

    demographic collapse leads to racial resentment and a decline in a nation's identity. No nation can survive if the demographics rapidly change. If Argentina became predominantly ethnically Japanese, would Argentinians be mad? Of course.

    Demographic collapse in this context is a broad term for population collapse

    I'm not referring specifically to the decrease in a majority or ruling class

  • Jul 3, 2023

    I'm too drunk to make beats

  • Jul 3, 2023

    Peep Peter Zeihans lectures on this topic

  • necromancer

    "nation's identity"

    That coded language is so easy to spot

  • Jul 3, 2023
    1 reply

    I don't know why I start conversations im not interested in

    You already opened the f***ing floodgates for the anti-immigration dudes to come out itt. Now man up and pick a side don't go hide

  • Jul 3, 2023

    No. Read the rest. You've got to keep this conversation going because I'm very interested in following it.

    I've got my "bourgeois" counter going and everything.

    Current count: 3

    I will do no such thing tbh

  • Jul 3, 2023

    Shout out to Latinos for keeping the US birthrate above water

  • Jul 3, 2023

    Most of the wealth in the world is stored in illiquid assets. That's property, bank accounts, retirement portfolios, other forms of investment. Much of it is also invested in the market or government in various forms, which could also be considered illiquid assets

    When these assets are cashed out or transferred to new generations, you will likely see a scenario where many people are going to spend that wealth, as the purpose of the wealth was for the younger generation to haven spending power and as a security blanket. Many people are trying to secure the wealth of their entire families not just their own security, and in america we actually have an economic infrastructure where one person can make enough money to secure their entire family. The wealth will go into new investments and asset acquisitions that will fuel the economy

    Economics is all relative. America is insanely f***ing rich. If you are an American you shouldn't fear some economic cataclysm that will sink us because we literally control the global economy.

    Bur anyways, the core of economic s is resources. In a world where resource requirements are declining, we are safeguarded from extreme economic instability. The combination of wealth transfer and resource surplus will hopefully allow us to survive any market correction or economic slowdowns

    please go touch grass

  • Jul 3, 2023
    1 reply

    "we americans dont have to fear economic cataclysm"

    he says as like 50 percent of people live paycheck to paycheck and are one unfortunate incident away from hell

  • Jul 3, 2023

    What "heritage"? The fact that no matter which nation, the proletariat is still exploited by their bourgeoise? What absolute nonsense that comes from the mouths of nationalists. The "unity" found in the nation is just a bourgeois coping mechanism for class struggle, and is generally the basis for fascism.

    Even most "left-wing nationalists" tend to concede this point, and see national liberation as merely a transitional period towards further post-colonial class struggle.

    I am not a liberal who subscribes to the petty-bourgeois dogma of inclusive "civic nationalism" as being a remedy for its problems, so you're s*** out of luck.

    you realize the contradiction of this though from the perspective that you can't simultaneously deny that heritage exists in a meaningful way while also talking about how a reason why colonialism was wrong was because it disrupted culture?
    for example, take the israel-palestine conflict. the material angle of economic enrichment by the israelis is true, but the cultural angle of suppression of arab and islamic identities is just as important of a focus from the angle of those actually living there.
    take the forced introduction of christianity into colonized areas by settlers as another example, whether this is native americans, arficans, asians etc.
    not all forms of celebrated ancestry or heritage are intrinsically linked to the modern concept of nationalistic sentiment (take pre-settler indigienous tribes in the americas for example)
    the is a reason the concept of dialectics is, in fact, dialectic and not only material - base and superstructure influence each other but are not singular. the role of exploitation in societies (particularly post-industrial societies) can be separated from discussions of culture while also recognizing the cross-influence. if this wasn't true, then societal contradictions would cease to exist when capitalism is not apaprent, which is simply not true

  • Jul 3, 2023

    Demographic collapse in this context is a broad term for population collapse

    I'm not referring specifically to the decrease in a majority or ruling class

    the same applies for both. Declining birthrates leads to a civilization dying

  • Jul 3, 2023

    "we americans dont have to fear economic cataclysm"

    he says as like 50 percent of people live paycheck to paycheck and are one unfortunate incident away from hell

    Stop playing Fortnite and get your money up πŸ’ΈπŸ€‘

  • Jul 3, 2023
    The Darkest Angel

    You already opened the f***ing floodgates for the anti-immigration dudes to come out itt. Now man up and pick a side don't go hide

    tf i didnt even think of that when i made this thread

  • Jul 3, 2023

    yep we're already seeing the signs

    the borders are insecure and democrats are too afraid of being being labeled bigots or in bed with china to actually close it up
