  • Dec 5, 2019

    i FINALLY got the Mountaintop

  • Dec 12, 2019
    2 replies

    Season of Yawn

  • Dec 12, 2019

    Season of Yawn

    forreal man. legit have no drive to play. doesn't seem like there's anything really worth going for. might hop on at some point to get unbroken & savior titles, but other than that, nothing worth doing

    tbf, it is week 1, but still. seasons don't generally get significantly better as the months go on lol.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    Season of Yawn

    Best thing about the seasons looks like the exotic guns coming

  • Dec 13, 2019
    1 reply

    Best thing about the seasons looks like the exotic guns coming

    I missed the dawning last year so i'll probably grind that out, but the season itself is super mid

  • Dec 13, 2019

    I missed the dawning last year so i'll probably grind that out, but the season itself is super mid

    Yea, the kinetic fusion looks cool and the new perks they added are cool but overall pretty average

    Way better than season of undying tho to be fair

  • Dec 18, 2019
    1 reply

    Season might actually be fire

  • Dec 18, 2019
    1 reply

    Season might actually be fire

    When you take into account that we only pay $10 the amount of content actually makes sense

  • redtruth

    When you take into account that we only pay $10 the amount of content actually makes sense

    Especially compared to undying it's miles ahead

    Obelisk system is cool and the sundials fun
    Weapons are actually good and really nice looking
    New weapon perks always welcome
    Cutscenes and a good story

    Pretty good for 10 bucks considering you get the battle pass stuff too

  • Jan 9, 2020
    2 replies

    Dead game

  • bejewelry

    Dead game

    Need this kinetic fusion to be real nice in 2 weeks

    I just feel burnt out tho, it's not that there really isn't stuff to do I just don't care to do it right now, idk

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Dead game

    Nah not dead it's just real quiet right now, they need to hurry up and bring Trials back

  • Jan 17, 2020

    Nah not dead it's just real quiet right now, they need to hurry up and bring Trials back

    I dont like the time gated drip feed content, it’s bs. Also we been getting the same horde mode activity for 5 years, it cant hold over for 3 months. All I did this season was the osiris quests and log in to do bounties for lvl 100 season pass lol

  • Feb 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Trials back

  • Feb 26, 2020
    3 replies

    Trials back

    looks like with artifacts enabled

  • Feb 26, 2020
    1 reply

    looks like with artifacts enabled

    Deadass Bungie is stupid af.

    Players who got nothing to do grinding lost sectors and bounties will have an automatic advantage

  • Feb 26, 2020
    2 replies

    What yall think about them retiring old legendary guns like they did in D1? I think it was needed no point to run anything other than recluse/mountaintop.

    Also talked about how they will improve the season model throughout 2020 and 2021. D2 cant continue on forever because of technical and creative space.

    I expect D3 Fall 2021 or 2022 at the latest. Anything later would be dumb

  • Feb 26, 2020
    1 reply

    looks like with artifacts enabled

    lmfao always 1 step forward 2 steps back. The love/hate relationship I have with this game crazy

  • Feb 26, 2020

    What yall think about them retiring old legendary guns like they did in D1? I think it was needed no point to run anything other than recluse/mountaintop.

    Also talked about how they will improve the season model throughout 2020 and 2021. D2 cant continue on forever because of technical and creative space.

    I expect D3 Fall 2021 or 2022 at the latest. Anything later would be dumb

    I don't think we getting any news on D3 till like Y5 of Destiny 2 bro

  • Feb 26, 2020

    What yall think about them retiring old legendary guns like they did in D1? I think it was needed no point to run anything other than recluse/mountaintop.

    Also talked about how they will improve the season model throughout 2020 and 2021. D2 cant continue on forever because of technical and creative space.

    I expect D3 Fall 2021 or 2022 at the latest. Anything later would be dumb

    I don't have a problem with it. Sucks for the people that grinded forever for a certain roll, but as long as they replace it with enough new s*** then I'm all for it.

  • Feb 26, 2020
    1 reply

    looks like with artifacts enabled

    They're getting roasted hard rn so I think they'll most likely change it

    Idk why they thought that would be a good idea in the first place.

  • Feb 26, 2020

    Deadass Bungie is stupid af.

    Players who got nothing to do grinding lost sectors and bounties will have an automatic advantage

    yuuup. haven't touched it this past season because the game is a joke rn. going to automatically be at pretty decent disadvantage if you don't religiously play this, especially at higher level pvp.

  • Feb 26, 2020

    lmfao always 1 step forward 2 steps back. The love/hate relationship I have with this game crazy

    dog forreal. genuinely do not understand what goes through their minds when they make some of these decisions. makes it quite hard to come back to the game.

  • Feb 27, 2020

    They're getting roasted hard rn so I think they'll most likely change it

    Idk why they thought that would be a good idea in the first place.

    they won't change s*** bro, takes them like 2 seasons to make a change

  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    I understand the idea of recycling guns but I feel like this whole thing probably just a mask for them to recycle even more content s***s crazy.

    You see how there was no new IB armour this year and just re-introduced previous armour as 2.0? I feel like they bout to do the same s*** in the future but with guns
