  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    I understand the idea of recycling guns but I feel like this whole thing probably just a mask for them to recycle even more content s***s crazy.

    You see how there was no new IB armour this year and just re-introduced previous armour as 2.0? I feel like they bout to do the same s*** in the future but with guns

    They already are lmao. Trickling out Y1 weapons with random rolls every season

  • Feb 27, 2020

    They already are lmao. Trickling out Y1 weapons with random rolls every season

    crazy thing is people will defend this too with "would you rather have bungie work on guns or new content". Its insane how Bungie a AAA studio yet people wanna act like its some kind of new indie studio instead man

  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    "Let's give these dudes the og d1 trials armor and put the new armor we just designed in the eververse" bungie, 2020

  • Feb 27, 2020
    2 replies

    If I'm reading this chart on Reddit correctly, it looks like it'll be possible to one shot 6 resilience guardians with a headshot from le monarche if you're 5 light levels above them

    Trials bout to be a f***ing mess

  • Feb 27, 2020
    Will Fujiwara

    "Let's give these dudes the og d1 trials armor and put the new armor we just designed in the eververse" bungie, 2020

    If they had another actual armor set to get, then I'd be cool with the d1 rehash. so lazy of them to bring it back, but no surprise there

  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    If I'm reading this chart on Reddit correctly, it looks like it'll be possible to one shot 6 resilience guardians with a headshot from le monarche if you're 5 light levels above them

    Trials bout to be a f***ing mess

    lol I read the same chart, 2 crits from 110s at 6 pretty crazy too, thats a 0.53 ttk. I usually rock 6 resilience but imma need to find a way to get that up to 7 whilst still maintaining my build this season lol

  • Feb 27, 2020

    Just waiting on the TWAB today to see if they gonna f*** anything else up

    I hope they at least discuss getting XP from more than just doing bounties

  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    lol I read the same chart, 2 crits from 110s at 6 pretty crazy too, thats a 0.53 ttk. I usually rock 6 resilience but imma need to find a way to get that up to 7 whilst still maintaining my build this season lol

    Didnt see the 110 part. Good lord man

  • Feb 27, 2020

    Didnt see the 110 part. Good lord man

    Seems that Thorn gonna be more popular than ever since its the only 150 that will still perform if you are 5LL below your opponent

  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Havent played in like a month in a half after being addicted nonstop for like 6 months

  • Feb 27, 2020

    If I'm reading this chart on Reddit correctly, it looks like it'll be possible to one shot 6 resilience guardians with a headshot from le monarche if you're 5 light levels above them

    Trials bout to be a f***ing mess

    Damn now I regret not doing any pinnacles this season

    Weapon balance gonna be completely f***ed

  • Feb 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Havent played in like a month in a half after being addicted nonstop for like 6 months

    same. once i realized i was grinding during season of dawn for guns that i already technically had cause bungie just reskins s***, i stopped

    everything in my vault has a damage perk + reload perk for the most part which for pve is all you f***ing need honestly. guns are so boring

  • Feb 27, 2020
    Will Fujiwara

    same. once i realized i was grinding during season of dawn for guns that i already technically had cause bungie just reskins s***, i stopped

    everything in my vault has a damage perk + reload perk for the most part which for pve is all you f***ing need honestly. guns are so boring

    Need more story s*** instead of horde modes.

  • Feb 28, 2020
    2 replies
  • Feb 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Thank God man, still insane that it took player feedback for them to consider this a problem so they get no praise for this lol

  • Feb 28, 2020

    Thank God man, still insane that it took player feedback for them to consider this a problem so they get no praise for this lol

    For realll

    They didn’t need feedback, they needed common sense

  • Feb 28, 2020

    Nerfs are good and light cap is good, but idk

  • Feb 28, 2020

    Fast response

  • Mar 1, 2020

    how much content is there if I just got the game? was heavy into d1

  • Mar 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Dam another season of do X bounties

  • Mar 11, 2020

    Dam another season of do X bounties

    Least interested I've ever been in a new season

  • Mar 11, 2020
    1 reply

    The community already in shambles on day one

  • Mar 11, 2020
    1 reply

    The community already in shambles on day one

    wasn't even day 1 it was like 2 hours, truly a new record

  • Mar 11, 2020
    1 reply

    wasn't even day 1 it was like 2 hours, truly a new record

    i've said it a million times, but i am just amazed they can make the dumbest decisions over and over and over again. it's honestly impressive.

  • Mar 11, 2020

    i've said it a million times, but i am just amazed they can make the dumbest decisions over and over and over again. it's honestly impressive.

    Why they thought resetting everyone's stat trackers was a good thing
