  • Mar 12, 2020
    1 reply

    "If you or your teammates level up anytime during gambit there is a chance the match just ends and you win the game and the entire opposing team get’s kicked. Sometimes only 1/2/3 person(s) get’s kicked out.

    It always happens when someone levels up.

    You also get stuck in the air a few seconds when respawning. I don’t know what the hell is going on but gambit is unplayable right now."


  • Mar 12, 2020

    "If you or your teammates level up anytime during gambit there is a chance the match just ends and you win the game and the entire opposing team get’s kicked. Sometimes only 1/2/3 person(s) get’s kicked out.

    It always happens when someone levels up.

    You also get stuck in the air a few seconds when respawning. I don’t know what the hell is going on but gambit is unplayable right now."


    they finally ending these s***ty gambit games early

  • Mar 16, 2020

    Could anyone point me to resources on beginners guide and such

    OR anyone want to invite me to a clan and mentor me

  • Mar 16, 2020

    I’m so lost in this game now like WTF is going on now? I just remember the days from KTT1 on the D1 section... it was lit, but this one, is less lit

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    bout done with this game man

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    bout done with this game man

    what’s wrong with it?

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    im finna get the collection for this bad idea?

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    im finna get the collection for this bad idea?

    Which one

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Which one

    the one that has everything up to rise of iron


  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    the one that has everything up to rise of iron


    That’s destiny 1 collection

    If u trynna get into D2 at the very least get shadowkeep because it’s the latest expansion and I don’t think u can reach max level with out it.

    There’s the base shadowkeep which is 35$ and then Shadowkeep + annual pass version which is $60 which is well worth it imo.

    Other then that there’s the D2 forsaken collection which is basically all of destiny 2’s year 1 - year 2 content. So some stuff/activities will be locked if u don’t get it but it’s not necessarily required. But still u can get that s*** pretty cheap nowadays

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    That’s destiny 1 collection

    If u trynna get into D2 at the very least get shadowkeep because it’s the latest expansion and I don’t think u can reach max level with out it.

    There’s the base shadowkeep which is 35$ and then Shadowkeep + annual pass version which is $60 which is well worth it imo.

    Other then that there’s the D2 forsaken collection which is basically all of destiny 2’s year 1 - year 2 content. So some stuff/activities will be locked if u don’t get it but it’s not necessarily required. But still u can get that s*** pretty cheap nowadays

    i have destiny 2 in disc form

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    i have destiny 2 in disc form

    If it’s the original disc you’d still have to get the expansions to be up to date. Though u can just get the digital versions.

  • Mar 28, 2020
    2 replies

    If it’s the original disc you’d still have to get the expansions to be up to date. Though u can just get the digital versions.

    alright mb be patient w me lmao

    so what expansions should i look to get?

  • Mar 28, 2020

    alright mb be patient w me lmao

    so what expansions should i look to get?

    If you want to play the current stuff then get Shadowkeep Collection

    If you want to play last year's stuff (which imo is better and probably cheaper) then get Forsaken collection now, then if you want more get Shadowkeep later.

  • Mar 28, 2020

    alright mb be patient w me lmao

    so what expansions should i look to get?

    if u never played destiny before get Destiny 2: New Light. Its the free version of the game that lets you play the core PVE and PVP content. You can DL it from the xbox store or PS store. Play it for couple hours or days and if you like what you're playing then get Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. If you broke broke u can. just get the $35 version if not get the $60 version (comes with previous 2 DLC passes and the next 2 DLC passes that will be releasing later on in the year) i suggest the latter. That alone should hold u off for months just trynna play catch up. The Forsaken expansion isnt really required, but i do recommend getting it eventually. But that'd be up to you when u wanna get it.

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    what’s wrong with it?

    Game is really cool once you get it first time but as you reach end game, eventually the game literally just becomes a chore. You be playing not because you want too but because of FOMO and s***, literally every thing they put in the game is a reskin of something they did it in the past, the game is just no fun to play.

    Its always 1 step forward 2 steps back when they fix an issue players been wanting.

    Anyways, apart from a certain gun the PvP meta seems to finally be in a good place but it’s too late and I’m just sick of this game now

  • Mar 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Game is really cool once you get it first time but as you reach end game, eventually the game literally just becomes a chore. You be playing not because you want too but because of FOMO and s***, literally every thing they put in the game is a reskin of something they did it in the past, the game is just no fun to play.

    Its always 1 step forward 2 steps back when they fix an issue players been wanting.

    Anyways, apart from a certain gun the PvP meta seems to finally be in a good place but it’s too late and I’m just sick of this game now

    Hard Light? Lmao

    I hate this “seasons” style they’re doing now. I used to love the expansions cause I could pick it up whenever I wanted. Now I feel pressured into getting these seraph weapons. I barely got guns from last season and I feel like garbage about it but it’s a game so why do I feel like this???

  • Mar 29, 2020

    Hard Light? Lmao

    I hate this “seasons” style they’re doing now. I used to love the expansions cause I could pick it up whenever I wanted. Now I feel pressured into getting these seraph weapons. I barely got guns from last season and I feel like garbage about it but it’s a game so why do I feel like this???

    Yep hardlight lmfao, Auto Rifles finally in a good place too, wont be surprised if Bungie is gonna look at Hard Light then decide to nerf all auto rifles instead.

    This exactly how I feel, this season pass s*** is exhausting. I read a good article that criticised Luke Smiths response to the season pass.

    Basically Luke Smith addressed the FOMO s*** by saying there will be "Less FOMO" next year. But "Less" isn't "None", just get rid of that s*** man fs

    edit: it was this article

    "Now, hearing complaints about FOMO, Smith has responded by saying that the current seasons have “...too much FOMO in them. We want to fix this, and next year’s Seasons will have less.”

    There are two problems with this statement. First, that for the next six months, FOMO is still going to be a problem. Second, Luke says that the seasons will only have less, not “none.” Elsewhere, in the same post, he talks about “balancing” the amount of FOMO, not removing it entirely.

    When a game feels like it’s pressuring you to log in every day, requiring you to treat it like chores, it stops feeling fun. Playing Destiny 2 should be a hobby, a break from life, a place to have a good time with the people closest to you. Instead, FOMO makes it an anxiety-inducing chore, and I, like so many other players, are pushing ourselves to do things that aren’t fun for fear of losing things we think we might want one day."

  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    got it yesterday @Day @Electric this s*** crazy

  • Apr 4, 2020

    got it yesterday @Day @Electric this s*** crazy

    wait till u high enough to do pinnacles and raids

    Apr 22, 2020
    1 reply

    just started f***ing with it heavily so far

  • Apr 23, 2020
    2 replies

    just started f***ing with it heavily so far

    Its fun but after youve done all the main content it starts feeling like a job doing nothing but dailys/weeklys

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Just getting back into the game again

    this subclass so fire

  • Apr 23, 2020

    Its fun but after youve done all the main content it starts feeling like a job doing nothing but dailys/weeklys

    pvp always been the only thing that keeps the game alive for me

    the pve too grindy and checkbox-y

    Apr 23, 2020
    2 replies

    Just getting back into the game again

    this subclass so fire

    wow that gun looks f***ing amazing
