Where do you draw the line? I come across a lot of dope people in New York who share my interest in skateboarding and fashion but I avoid interacting with them because I assume I have nothing of value to offer them and that they think I’m lame basically. The New York nigga in me won’t let me gas up people who probably already think highly of themselves
Don’t think too much about it just keep being friendly and making connections
wow get OP's d*** outcha mouth
D***riding with no shame is fun, people love being built up, I d***ride absolutely everybody I come in contact with
D***riding with no shame is fun, people love being built up, I d***ride absolutely everybody I come in contact with
you old ass nigga
D***riding with no shame is fun, people love being built up, I d***ride absolutely everybody I come in contact with
Nothing of value? It's a hobby man lol
Stop overthinking regular interactions
New York Skateboarders and people who are into fashion and hip hop can be bougie as hell
good lord op please think for yourself for like 2 seconds without consulting ktt
it’s possible
this is such a new york question lol
dont get on OP because NYC think anything is d***riding
if you even look at another man it's too much bro you basically twerking on his junk c'mon now you know this to be true
yeah you’re definitely gay man
It’s not a gay thing, it’s more about not wanting to put myself in a position to be rebuffed by someone who looks down on me
It’s not a gay thing, it’s more about not wanting to put myself in a position to be rebuffed by someone who looks down on me
Best thing to do is not let it bother you and keep doing you
be like the rock that the waves keep crashing over. It stands unmoved and the raging of the sea falls still around it.
Ik what you mean cuz I be getting excited with new ppl but the reciprocity isn’t there sometimes
But I just don’t take it personal and act accordingly
If someone on the same page as me it’ll be obvious / easy to connect
Basically if someone is gonna judge you for wanting human connection they got their own problems
It’s not a gay thing, it’s more about not wanting to put myself in a position to be rebuffed by someone who looks down on me
Nah bruh I think you might have better luck with dudes.
Give it a go