good thread but KTT wil take it the wrong because of how you worded it
D***riding such an extreme way to say what OP is talking about lol
New York Skateboarders and people who are into fashion and hip hop can be bougie as hell
i mean yeah you live in ny lol
Ppl really do be looking down on strangers tho esp here in LA. Mfs will give you a stank look for literally just saying hi
D***riding to get on someones good side is pathetic
Otherwise people confuse d***riding a lot of the time with being passionate, ie; when people say you d***ride an artist too much or actively appreciate your friends
you cant d***ride your friends
Ppl really do be looking down on strangers tho esp here in LA. Mfs will give you a stank look for literally just saying hi
yikes such unhealthy mentality too
yikes such unhealthy mentality too
I mean yea lol that tells u way more about them than it reflects you but still
you cant d***ride your friends
I d***ride all my homies fym. I take their side even when they’re dead wrong lmfao
I d***ride all my homies fym. I take their side even when they’re dead wrong lmfao
thats not d***riding thats being a friend lol
thats not d***riding thats being a friend lol
I don’t really see a difference then