I don’t understand the appeal of watching these long drawn out videos by someone who’s opinion people wouldn’t even respect in the first place if he didn’t have millions of subscribers.
Music is subjective, and if you let someone else make up your views before listening to an album/song for yourself then you are ruining your ability to legitimately discuss the music/genre at hand. Not only that, but you’re also ruining the chances for yourself to potentially discover GOAT music.
Once in a while to get a laugh I’ll listen to one of his album reviews where I know his dumbass melon opinion is irrelevant, but that’s about it. Think for yourself people.
He didn’t ruin anything. He’s just a dude that loves music and posts his opinions on YT.
Fantano doesn't like something I like, my day is ruined
Exactly, if everyone could just stop giving this guy a voice in general
I dunno he's quite entertaining but I'll never take his scores as gospel lol
Fantano peaked with thatistheplan
White journalists and critics specifically
If an album isn’t avante garde weirdo experimental techno bullshit it isn’t good enough
It’s changed how we view albums and art because a lot of people can’t form opinions or enjoy certain types of music just because they don’t want to go against the narrative or consensus
White journalists and critics specifically
If an album isn’t avante garde weirdo experimental techno bullshit it isn’t good enough
It’s changed how we view albums and art because a lot of people can’t form opinions or enjoy certain types of music just because they don’t want to go against the narrative or consensus
You got a good point about the experimental circlejerk
Critics shouldnt even exist now that you dont need to buy albums
i just see fantano as like scaruffi . meme reviewers. they definitely dont influence nor elicit any reaction from me in their reviews.
Bojack Horseman is over and everything is worse now
Hes useful because he gives attention to projects you might otherwise skip like carly rae jepson or rosalia for me
White journalists and critics specifically
If an album isn’t avante garde weirdo experimental techno bullshit it isn’t good enough
It’s changed how we view albums and art because a lot of people can’t form opinions or enjoy certain types of music just because they don’t want to go against the narrative or consensus
Garbo take Fantano gives Pop-rap albums positive reviews all the time (astroworld, culture, kids see ghost, mudboy). This narrative that he's some hipster who loves to hate on black artists and hip hop just doesn't match up with his track record.
-Bro doesn’t have a million subs for no reason
-Critics help people discover music if anything
-Bro doesn’t have a million subs for no reason
-Critics help people discover music if anything
Lowkey discovered Danny brown through fantano