Idk I just picture it as entertainment, like I die listening to the big day review.
Imagine actually judging your music taste off Fantano tho, yikes
I dont watch his reviews anymore but he never did anything else than review s*** tbh he's not trying to influence anybody and he makes it a point in almost all his reviews
Just admit yall cant form your own opinions
White journalists and critics specifically
If an album isn’t avante garde weirdo experimental techno bullshit it isn’t good enough
It’s changed how we view albums and art because a lot of people can’t form opinions or enjoy certain types of music just because they don’t want to go against the narrative or consensus
they like experimental albums because of the sheer volume of new music they listen to. If you listen to a lot of the same sounding s*** every day than the weird and experimental stuff would sound insanely better.
Reviews are just a tool, really depends on what you use them for. Some people don't care about the music and just wanna flex on others, some do. No way to be certain though.
I don’t understand the appeal of watching these long drawn out videos by someone who’s opinion people wouldn’t even respect in the first place if he didn’t have millions of subscribers.
Music is subjective, and if you let someone else make up your views before listening to an album/song for yourself then you are ruining your ability to legitimately discuss the music/genre at hand. Not only that, but you’re also ruining the chances for yourself to potentially discover GOAT music.
Once in a while to get a laugh I’ll listen to one of his album reviews where I know his dumbass melon opinion is irrelevant, but that’s about it. Think for yourself people.
also helping a lot of people discover music they have never heard of.
example Death Grips for a lot of people.
people who have solid taste in music would not let a reviewer decide the quality of a project for them.
if you are letting fantano decide for you then you need to work on yourself a little.
I don’t understand the appeal of watching these long drawn out videos by someone who’s opinion people wouldn’t even respect in the first place if he didn’t have millions of subscribers.
Music is subjective, and if you let someone else make up your views before listening to an album/song for yourself then you are ruining your ability to legitimately discuss the music/genre at hand. Not only that, but you’re also ruining the chances for yourself to potentially discover GOAT music.
Once in a while to get a laugh I’ll listen to one of his album reviews where I know his dumbass melon opinion is irrelevant, but that’s about it. Think for yourself people.
Why do you care about his opinions so much if you deem them irrelevant
Anthony was cool until he got obsessive with trying to become a 'meme' and now I cant take him seriously. I haven't watched a full Fantano review in years. I mostly just click to see the score and click off. He doesn't appeal to me like he used to.
He didn’t ruin anything lmao all he did was give his opinion on music which is what all of us do
however he’s a corny cracker when he tries being funny instead of offering a serious take on albums (see those cringey faces he makes on his thumbnails)
Pretty sure people watch for the topics discussed not necessarily the score
His scores out of 10 are memes
I think it's weird how often people say they don't care about his opinion but then make threads like this. S*** doesn't add up.
youtubers ruined everything tbh
Gnocchi once again speaking facts !
Ever since the first time I saw dudes video I hated him. He made it ok for mfs to be edgy about rap music