snooze fest fr
Both the she's mines are just awful,lazy music. That's what most of that album is. It's where he started losing me as a fan and KOD was the nail in the coffin
EDIT: I should say first half of KOD was the nail because the second half is just great songs,but that's my issue with him is his inconsistency
Funny thing about these threads is the artist always drops within the next 30-50 days
Cole probably dropping on his birthday next month since it lands on a Thursday
Both the she's mines are just awful,lazy music. That's what most of that album is. It's where he started losing me as a fan and KOD was the nail in the coffin
EDIT: I should say first half of KOD was the nail because the second half is just great songs,but that's my issue with him is his inconsistency
it’s crazy how much better the back end of kod is
KOD was an awful project
The songs this year were ok
He just seems like he doesn’t know what music he wants to make
that s*** is dope u must be smokin them tan rocks in your pipe too often or something
KOD was fire and went platinum with no features, no flop
nah he featured KiLL EdWaRdDDd
Actually really liked KOD
it’s crazy how much better the back end of kod is
I only got halfway with kod.
It was that bad
Cole is in a weird space where it’s hard for him to guage how good or bad his music is because he has so many fans. His music has great messages but lacks execution.
Perfectly worded and Cole’s my favorite rapper
j cole has tried so hard to sell FHD as a classic and it just isn't. it was a great album but nothing special in the grand scheme.
nah he featured KiLL EdWaRdDDd
Damn I forgot
Well platinum with 2 features only knock him down a few points
j cole has tried so hard to sell FHD as a classic and it just isn't. it was a great album but nothing special in the grand scheme.
Agreed. I'm glad somebody finally said it.
There was nothing bad about the two songs he dropped earlier, the noname response was trash though