I know some high schoolers who told me they were failing bad and ending up passing the year
My neighborhood has some houses with graduation signs on the lawn. One kid on my block is in shock bc there was no way that was supposed to happen with his gpa lmbooooo
Sad that high schools have to jump through so many hoops for funding.
Really hurts kids.
classes all went baby mode once online classes hit
grading got easier along with pass/fail, saved my ass
classes all went baby mode once online classes hit
grading got easier along with pass/fail, saved my ass
yes but I basically had to trade my social life for it
had none of this happened, i doubt my lil bro would have graduated honestly. he had a month to do his final assignments. nigga did the s*** LAST minute and had multiple extensions
man this class is insanely lucky lmao
but that nigga better had graduated cause i had to pay for his senior dues
All my exams were online and a few were easy to find answers on quizlet/google
and then my other professors let me turn in s*** late because of the "current circumstances"