6 summer courses
i’m thinking of doing 4 and i feel like it’s overboard
I actually don't mind it tbh. If you're going to be stuck at home anyway then just do them now
I actually don't mind it tbh. If you're going to be stuck at home anyway then just do them now
how many hours/day you think you’re spending doing schoolwork
how many hours/day you think you’re spending doing schoolwork
Each class will be 3 or 4 hours per week. On days where I have 2 classes I'd say 9 hours total (class plus assignments/group work/other stuff). On days where I have 1 class, maybe 5 hours total.
Monday - Thursday.
In 1 course I think I actually did worse because of it. The final wasn't f***ing multiple choice, and we had to calculate answers based on learning all these formulas.
In all my other courses yeah.
I actually don't mind it tbh. If you're going to be stuck at home anyway then just do them now
Even if you're at home all day, you're literally doing the workload of like 1 entire month in each class every 1.5 week lol. Good luck with that honestly.
It's well known taking 1 Summer class is like 2 normal semester classes, so yeah, that's like 12 normal semester.
I actually don't mind it tbh. If you're going to be stuck at home anyway then just do them now
I like the way you think mate
Even if you're at home all day, you're literally doing the workload of like 1 entire month in each class every 1.5 week lol. Good luck with that honestly.
It's well known taking 1 Summer class is like 2 normal semester classes, so yeah, that's like 12 normal semester.
It's just like a regular semester because it is 16 weeks long. Starts this month and ends in August.
Honestly I procrastinated till I had too much work to do and now I just wanna do music 100% and hope I got some s*** rolling by the time the virus is all the way outta here lol
Feel like I ain’t finna flourish in school if in the back of my head I know I can focus 100% on beats and change my life
Actually ruined mine , because i did none of the assignments
Felt good to read thru thread and see one other person who went thru this
Just wasnt in the mood for it idk
And at one point i just said to myself f*** it
Fam when you got all this overdue work and then you don’t even know if they’ll grade it at this point lol
Started doing some assignments and saw that they weren’t being graded and one teacher even told me to drop the class
At that point you just say f*** it maybe I’ll just go work a regular job until I can do what I really wanna do lol tired of this s***
If everyone else is why wouldn't you too
You can’t assume everyone else is cheating some people work hard for their grades and it goes again your institutions honor policy
I know some high schoolers who told me they were failing bad and ending up passing the year
My neighborhood has some houses with graduation signs on the lawn. One kid on my block is in shock bc there was no way that was supposed to happen with his gpa lmbooooo
I was mad close to not walking just because of absences but that dont matter no more
I still would have graduated tho
One of my professors gave everyone a 100 on the final cuz she didn't wanna grade them lol. Idk how I still got a C tho but whatever