  • FREE 💜
    Jan 3, 2020

    The fact that you never saw pre-Kim Kanye live is above a travesty

    WTT and Yeezus tour were his peak tbh bless her for those.

    Glow In The Dark cool but let's not pretend for the sake of s***ting on Kim like anything he did pre MBDTF and f***ing Kim live wise was better then Coachella,WTT and Yeezus tours.

  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 3, 2020


    its a slight annoyance for me, 'ruin' a strong word

  • Jan 3, 2020

    Smartphones ruined the world

  • Jan 3, 2020

    No tbh its the opposite. All those concerts from 80s/90s/00s and other decades that don't even exist anywhere when you search them because nobody was recording them then are annoying af

  • Jan 3, 2020

    No, people having phones out shouldn't affect your enjoyment. The main thing that could ruin a concert is artists no longer putting in the effort to have great performances...oh wait

    Naw bro, it’s da people who don’t have self control or awareness, I’ve been to a concert where all dey knew how 2 do was stand still and record it ruined everything, dey posed 2 know when it’s time 2 record jump and do both at da same time