If you google "flattering pics of (insert popstar)" you'll get results. If you google "unflattering pics of (insert same pop star)" you'll also get results. Jussaying
So what does it say that I googled lobster and scrolled down a bit
haven’t been keeping up with it recently but they been going through some s*** for time seems like it’s reaching its peak point right now tho
you will eat bugs while bill gates will eat bio beef grown on his own farms, and some of y'all still call it a 'conspiracy'
you will eat bugs while bill gates will eat bio beef grown on his own farms, and some of y'all still call it a 'conspiracy'
n-no a-akshully u see the bug p-protein per g-g-gram is 0.03% h-higher than in b-b-beef. h-have u ever had s-shrimp?
n-no a-akshully u see the bug p-protein per g-g-gram is 0.03% h-higher than in b-b-beef. h-have u ever had s-shrimp?
good doggo
you will eat bugs while bill gates will eat bio beef grown on his own farms, and some of y'all still call it a 'conspiracy'
Guy owns like half of the land in middle America too. More farms for them less farms for us
A peek into the future for developed countries
One day, hopefully in our lifetime, the Roman Empire aka the Catholic Church aka the conglomerate of first world governments will fall
Man what ????
Insects have been eaten by humans since we got out of the trees
I'll go to an all fruit/veggie, lab meat aka plant based protein diet before i eat a roach taco
I'll go to an all fruit/veggie, lab meat aka plant based protein diet before i eat a roach taco
But your loss, they tasty
n-no a-akshully u see the bug p-protein per g-g-gram is 0.03% h-higher than in b-b-beef. h-have u ever had s-shrimp?
Lol if you don’t want bugs fine but we really acting like there’s a bug eating conspiracy?
Man I used to be the pickiest eater in existence but people really rather eat a bunch of hyper processed chemicals made to look like ground meat than a cricket
Lol if you don’t want bugs fine but we really acting like there’s a bug eating conspiracy?
They literally talking about Bill Gates pushing an insect diet agenda while buying up farmland to only have beef for the rich wtf
But your loss, they tasty
Grasshoppers and flying termites are deadass amazing when fried
They literally talking about Bill Gates pushing an insect diet agenda while buying up farmland to only have beef for the rich wtf
and it's not true until it happens right? blind ass mf
I'll go to an all fruit/veggie, lab meat aka plant based protein diet before i eat a roach taco
Forgot they can grow steaks in a lab now. Wonder what the side effects might be to long term ingestion
I swear some of y'all don't believe anything until they hit you full face and then act surprised, after so many warnings
and it's not true until it happens right? blind ass mf
You could say that about any conspiracy theory lmfao. You sound like the anti vax folks, like literally
Man I used to be the pickiest eater in existence but people really rather eat a bunch of hyper processed chemicals made to look like ground meat than a cricket
I’d never in my life eat an impossible or beyond meat brand anything
and it's not true until it happens right? blind ass mf
This is typical rich people run the world and do what they want instead of some big conspiracy to allow them to eat meat and the rest of us bugs