  • Mar 18, 2022

    Early childhood wasn’t the worst. Teenage years several very destabilizing and traumatic things happened in the fam and I’ve been a wreck/bum ever since into my early 20s. My anxiety is so bad I can only get myself to work so often and have a hard time following through with any school

  • Mar 18, 2022

    Mum has bad ocd and would wake me up throughout the night to check if I was still alive, I was sleep deprived for about half a year

  • Mar 18, 2022

    You never really realize it until hindsight kicks in and you’re like “Oh, so that’s probably why I’m such a weirdo.”

    Like, I went to 12 different schools growing up, no f***ing wonder I had, and still continue to have, problems making friends

    Also, my parents separated (never married) when I was a year old, and I grew up with both of them talking s*** and (possibly) making up things to smear the other, so that’s probably where my trust issues come from.

    My mom was estranged from pretty much the entirety of her side of the family, and my dad had little to nothing to do with his side growing up, so that’s probably why I’m not big on “family values” type rhetoric and why tight-knit families seem so alien to me.

    And this just the general s***, I could get more specific but I think people here would accuse me of making things up because I’ve seen/experienced some s***.

  • Mar 18, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    I mean compared to most people my age in my area i did tbh

    Raised by a poor single mother who immigrated from Ethiopia with almost no other family here who had a bunch of trauma bc of what she went thru back home, relationship with my older brother has been wild too, govt was on our ass for nothing unnecessary audits that had her stressed tf out etc

    When my dad was in my life it wasnt always the best either

    Undiagnosed mental health issues

    Def impacted me a lot, but what u gon do

    Coulda been a lot worse, like way way worse

    At the end of the day i look at my childhood fondly, knowing how things were and my mother still gave me beautiful memories that i will cherish forever and i'm very grateful for the way she raised me and all the values she instilled in me, and the bad things gave me a perspective that many others don't have

    Stuck off the realness...respect

  • Mar 18, 2022

    bad and difficult
    immigrated parents,from diff countries,diff cultures,being mixed in a consersative white country that isnt big on multi culti
    growin up on the more farmers side too

    being on the spectrum

    i was really a different, unique kid for all the people here

    which explains why noone ever wanted to visit me or play with me
    and why my parents had very low social interaction

    throughout life, i cannot recall ever being praised or tagged as "me"
    they would never acknowledge me as a person, only the stereotypes

    have no real friends
    nobody to ever support me, nor my family
    even when we overachieve, we arent being recognized for it(white people get and take the cred)

    teachers,trainers,workplace etc... everywhere there was bullying involved, making sure u knew, u werent like they were and would never be

    ngl pretty scared about all this
    cause it results into public emberassements, were people actively go out in group, to trash talk you in public, in front of audiences that dont know u, or want to know u
    just to tame ur ego
    and its all very normal, when it happens vs you

    honestly i cant even remember most of my childhood, except that i always felt very ignored and neglected
    i felt very different, being black adding my non diagnosed ass in the mix, and u get one hell of a funny cocktail
    and that no matter what i did or who i was, i always got hated by everyone
    i couldnt find a shadow of comfort or peace, there was no person there to push the bushes away and let the sun shine through

    we were poor too, very poor
    so buyin hapiness, or a vacation etc.. or even buying "status" wasnt in the cards for us

    tbh even today, people dont know "me"
    they know my name, for what i have achieved here in this region(which im proud af bout, cause thats more than 90% of the mfers that bullied me throughout my childhood), so my name is a local celeb status
    but my face to them, is still strange

    people only approach me in the french or english language, never the native

    thats how i strange i am
    thats how estranged ive grown
    and thats how strange they see me

    Hey man, good for you for growing past your s***. Nothing sweeter than accomplishing your goals and exceeding past the lames thats doubted you

  • Mar 18, 2022

    feels like everybody stumbled on that mexican cartel vid with the chainsaw back in like '06 you know the one

    Dam remember this

  • Mar 18, 2022
    1 reply

    i seen em all fam

    I mean, to be fair, people use to gather and watch live, in person, executions of people on a semi-regular basis.

  • Mar 18, 2022

    Stuck off the realness...respect

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 18, 2022
    1 reply

    I mean, to be fair, people use to gather and watch live, in person, executions of people on a semi-regular basis.

    i was about to expose the f*** outta myself so imma just leave

  • Mar 18, 2022

    i was about to expose the f*** outta myself so imma just leave

  • Mar 18, 2022

    Had CPS called bc of bruises on my arms but at the same time my parents provided me with like everything I could ask for. Never had to worry about anything at all

  • Mar 18, 2022
    Skateboard J

    Yeah, it affects me every day. Kinda ruined my life. Don’t wanna talk about it tho. But wish I could send a message to my younger self to change some things.