According to Wiki if you type in death lol.
I also read a book called how to a***yse people on sight by Elsie Lincoln Benedict (written way back in 1921 very good read I always revisit it).
It classifies humans into 5 distinctive types in order of most evolved:
The alimentative type (fatty type dominated by stomach and digestive organs)
Thoracic type (lungs and heart)
Muscular type
Osseous type (Dominated by bones, I find this one the most interesting)
And Cerebral type (Brains, nerves)
We’re obviously a combination of all these types but in the book it’s said of the osseous type that
““The Osseous lives longer than any other type, for two reasons. The first is that his lack of "nerves" saves him from running down his batteries. He seldom becomes excited and does not exhaust himself in emotional orgies.
The second is that he habitually under-eats—usually because he does not care so much for food as the first three types, but quite often because he prefers to save the money.”
I read the book before I saw that calorie restriction extends life. And the book isn’t massively scientific but I find it crazy how the information matches. Feel like they should teach people this
I feel like throughout history people have devised all kinds of schemes to judge people based on how they look, helps you make generalisations about people and saves the effort of communicating with them since you 'already know' what they'll be like, I wouldn't buy into any 'There are 5 types of human' type stuff
in wich category you fall under op
I’m definitely osseous dominant. As a kid my mom said I didn’t give af about food (unlike my lil sis who can’t stop eating lol)
And I’m tall and skinny. But started lifting so forced myself to eat more but I’m obviously some of the other types
But your type is as fixed as your personality unless you do something drastic like my sis really loves her food
I feel like throughout history people have devised all kinds of schemes to judge people based on how they look, helps you make generalisations about people and saves the effort of communicating with them since you 'already know' what they'll be like, I wouldn't buy into any 'There are 5 types of human' type stuff
It’s obviously not black and white lol I’m not out here judging people
But I’ve read the books a lot of times over in the past 8 years or so it’s full of knowledge of the human condition
But you’re right we’re not robots
a***yse people on sight
So horseshit?
Try it out, it’s just the name of the book btw lol don’t be out here a***ysing people
It’s a good way to understand though
Try it out, it’s just the name of the book btw lol don’t be out here a***ysing people
It’s a good way to understand though
Dawg in 1921 people were still calling black people "savages" from a***yzing them on sight
Bro reading scientific books that were written before the French revolution even happened I'm brine
Dawg in 1921 people were still calling black people "savages" from a***yzing them on sight
“The student of Human A***ysis reads the disposition and nature of every individual with ease regardless of whether that individual be an American, a Frenchman, a Kaffir or a Chinaman, because Human A***ysis explains those fundamental traits which run through every race, color and nationality, according to the externals which always go with those traits.”
Im not out here promoting the book btw. More saying if you eat less you live longer
The Byzantium Empire fell 5 years before this book came out 😭😭
😂 I know I know
But it’s still easy to find unlike scientifically racist books on anthropology you have to buy so the powers that be must see something in it
I feel like it ties into religions promoting asceticism and fasting too
“Not caring for the flesh or things of this world”
If you build up a predisposition to being like that and don’t indulge in temptation you’ll live a better more holy life typa thing
Listen to me
I dont care
Then don’t bother posting
Clearly I did bother
I'm still not sure wtf calorie restriction and saying humans look different based on personality types have anything to do with each other
I'm still not sure wtf calorie restriction and saying humans look different based on personality types have anything to do with each other
The osseous type naturally calorie restricts read properly