Can’t knock the hustle
People think modern day escorting is bringing a girl from Cambodia illegally to America to work for $50 a client.
That’s not really the case anymore. Many of them receive visas through agencies or work independently. All of which are consensual . Why is it anyone’s business who I sleep with.
I want to know how is someone accused of S***trafficking
Flying a girl out for s***is considered s***trafficking by law but how is that forceful, fraudulent, or coerced? Sounds pretty consensual to me 🤷🏾
People think it is against the will of those being trafficked. Uh no they wanted to do this. That’s just prostitution which should be legal in all states not just California
I want to know how is someone accused of S***trafficking
Flying a girl out for s***is considered s***trafficking by law but how is that forceful, fraudulent, or coerced? Sounds pretty consensual to me 🤷🏾
People think it is against the will of those being trafficked. Uh no they wanted to do this. That’s just prostitution which should be legal in all states not just California
The issue is that all of it wasn’t consensual all the time for starters
And secondly, flying men or women across state lines for the sole purpose of s***is illegal and he didn’t stop there he fed them a bunch of illegal d**** for days at aime
And tbh I think ppl are hyper focusing on the s***shit he’s not here just because of that he’s out here trafficking and buying illegal d**** and was in possession of illegal rifles and AK’s with the serial numbers scratched off. Why does a nigga like puff need that kind of illegal artillery? The nigga puff could be doing god knows what with those kinds of guns and those kinds of illicit d**** unregulated.
Ngl his freak offs were illegal I guess but it’s hard to prove that the adults involved weren’t consenting adults. It’s the violence. Multiple women he’s beat the s*** out of, multiple men’s he’s had handled, he’s had cars blown up, has hung ppl off of balconies, has ordered hits
He’s way more dangerous than simply a freak he’s killed people bruh
The issue is that all of it wasn’t consensual all the time for starters
And secondly, flying men or women across state lines for the sole purpose of s***is illegal and he didn’t stop there he fed them a bunch of illegal d**** for days at aime
And tbh I think ppl are hyper focusing on the s***shit he’s not here just because of that he’s out here trafficking and buying illegal d**** and was in possession of illegal rifles and AK’s with the serial numbers scratched off. Why does a nigga like puff need that kind of illegal artillery? The nigga puff could be doing god knows what with those kinds of guns and those kinds of illicit d**** unregulated.
Ngl his freak offs were illegal I guess but it’s hard to prove that the adults involved weren’t consenting adults. It’s the violence. Multiple women he’s beat the s*** out of, multiple men’s he’s had handled, he’s had cars blown up, has hung ppl off of balconies, has ordered hits
He’s way more dangerous than simply a freak he’s killed people bruh
How do we define what’s consensual or not at a freak party? Seems to be some grey areas here. If Diddy is d***ging women without them knowing, that is not consensual but how do you prove that years later? The firearm and d*** possession shouldn’t go unnoticed you’re right, but a lot people push it under the rug due to celebrity d*** culture. I’m pretty sure every celebrity has done or been around hard d**** sadly….
How do we define what’s consensual or not at a freak party? Seems to be some grey areas here. If Diddy is d***ging women without them knowing, that is not consensual but how do you prove that years later? The firearm and d*** possession shouldn’t go unnoticed you’re right, but a lot people push it under the rug due to celebrity d*** culture. I’m pretty sure every celebrity has done or been around hard d**** sadly….
we define that by whether or not the participants consented to the activities they participated in
this got potential to destroy Biggie's legacy? What if some crazy s*** comes out about Biggie in a freak off?
listen to big's lyrics lol he was probably even worse than puff
we define that by whether or not the participants consented to the activities they participated in
if you get invited to a freak party and forced to have s***that is not consensual is this what they are referring to in the charges? How are they being forced? I really want to know who was at the freak parties and who participated willingly or not.
How do we define what’s consensual or not at a freak party? Seems to be some grey areas here. If Diddy is d***ging women without them knowing, that is not consensual but how do you prove that years later? The firearm and d*** possession shouldn’t go unnoticed you’re right, but a lot people push it under the rug due to celebrity d*** culture. I’m pretty sure every celebrity has done or been around hard d**** sadly….
If the indictment is to be believed, a lot of the women at these parties not only appeared underage but often times were unconscious/barley conscious
If the indictment is to be believed, a lot of the women at these parties not only appeared underage but often times were unconscious/barley conscious
I guess we will have to wait for the footage but who knows if that will be leaked to the public
How do we define what’s consensual or not at a freak party? Seems to be some grey areas here. If Diddy is d***ging women without them knowing, that is not consensual but how do you prove that years later? The firearm and d*** possession shouldn’t go unnoticed you’re right, but a lot people push it under the rug due to celebrity d*** culture. I’m pretty sure every celebrity has done or been around hard d**** sadly….
Yeah I mean, you can’t d*** people then f*** them, and this is exactly why lol you can’t give consent if you’re inebriated so there is no consent there
And if you are buying trading and selling illegal d**** and guns, that is incredibly dangerous when you consider how many ppl have to be involved in such things, hence why this is a RICO. The imminent danger that ppl in his network can be in shouldn’t be ignored
You wouldn’t be hearing about this if all puff did was have freak offs with b****es and niggas fr he’s literally d***ging them and pet them, against their will at times.
I can guarantee you the nigga that beat the s*** out of Cassie and Gina did not have consent 100% of the time when he f***ed them
How do we define what’s consensual or not at a freak party? Seems to be some grey areas here. If Diddy is d***ging women without them knowing, that is not consensual but how do you prove that years later? The firearm and d*** possession shouldn’t go unnoticed you’re right, but a lot people push it under the rug due to celebrity d*** culture. I’m pretty sure every celebrity has done or been around hard d**** sadly….
if you get invited to a freak party and forced to have s***that is not consensual is this what they are referring to in the charges? How are they being forced? I really want to know who was at the freak parties and who participated willingly or not.
Consent can be taken at any time
Just because I agree to go to a s***party doesn’t mean I agree to be d***ged and f***ed days at a time
And even I did agree to all of that one time, it doesn’t mean I agree to it all the time
If you R word a chick once…you r worded her