Yeah I mean, you can’t d*** people then f*** them, and this is exactly why lol you can’t give consent if you’re inebriated so there is no consent there
And if you are buying trading and selling illegal d**** and guns, that is incredibly dangerous when you consider how many ppl have to be involved in such things, hence why this is a RICO. The imminent danger that ppl in his network can be in shouldn’t be ignored
You wouldn’t be hearing about this if all puff did was have freak offs with b****es and niggas fr he’s literally d***ging them and pet them, against their will at times.
I can guarantee you the nigga that beat the s*** out of Cassie and Gina did not have consent 100% of the time when he f***ed them
He pled not guilty meaning his career is even more cooked if proven guilty. The feds have video footage so I’m not sure what his lawyers are thinking.
He pled not guilty meaning his career is even more cooked if proven guilty. The feds have video footage so I’m not sure what his lawyers are thinking.
He should have plead guilty but this is the issue with the Diddy and r Kelly types
They have so much fame and money that they think they can beat anything and only hire counsel who will tell them what they want to hear
No sane lawyer would tell puff daddy that this is a winnable case
They have you on tape beating the s*** out of cassie
They have the documents of you blowing up niggas care
They got the trafficking on tape
They got the guns
They got the d****
They have his entire network of staff turning on him for leniency
It’s OVER he should try and cut a deal for like 12 year and let it go
Who else yo u think they're taking down with him?
Can you go off word of mouth?
They will need to pull some sort of footage or receipts of celebrities participating in these “freaks off”
if you get invited to a freak party and forced to have s***that is not consensual is this what they are referring to in the charges? How are they being forced? I really want to know who was at the freak parties and who participated willingly or not.
I mean if you go to a huge high-status celebrity party and have a mimosa, which everybody (the wait staff who served it to you, the host, the security, his controllers) except you knows has already been dosed with GBH and ecstasy, and you’re never informed of this — your ability to consent has basically been totally robbed as the result of doing something completely within the bounds of acceptable behavior at a party (having a drink). In that sense nothing was consensual
If you f*** men and women who are d***ged, and you’re accused of s***labor, d***ging ppl to keep them obedient, then there literally is no consent to speak of
if you get invited to a freak party and forced to have s***that is not consensual is this what they are referring to in the charges? How are they being forced? I really want to know who was at the freak parties and who participated willingly or not.
They was being d***ged bro. Thats why they would need IVs and all that s***
They was being d***ged bro. Thats why they would need IVs and all that s***
Niggas really don't understand the concept of consent while being under the influence
aka there isn't any
so if you f*** someone who's doped up out of their mind and they say you r worded them...well...guess what
listen to big's lyrics lol he was probably even worse than puff
She don't remember s***! Just the two hits
Her hittin' the floor and me hittin' the c***s! (Yeah)
Suckin' on the t*** (uh), had the hooker beggin' for the d***
And your moms ain't ugly, love, my d*** got rock quick
hmm yea might have a point lmao
Niggas really don't understand the concept of consent while being under the influence
aka there isn't any
so if you f*** someone who's doped up out of their mind and they say you r worded them...well...guess what
Not only that but the victims probably could've felt pressured to take the d**** knowing how Diddy gets down
Crine, niggas might as well be subbin this thread definitely read the first 40 pages of this thread
This is the real Diddy that a Nicki stan tweeting this tho
This is the real Diddy when warner bros sent him a cease and desist because of this
remember when warner bros sent him a cease and desist because of this
Niggas really said "nah bro, this too spot on"
He pled not guilty meaning his career is even more cooked if proven guilty. The feds have video footage so I’m not sure what his lawyers are thinking.
The “Tory Lanes” plan.
They was being d***ged bro. Thats why they would need IVs and all that s***
I read the indictment there’s only one victim and the rest are witnesses, presumably freak party goers.
Trial is next year. See y’all there ✌️