comes free with your disney+ membership
need the canadian release date next
Honestly this is enough to make me continue with my subscription
I was just considering cancelling too
Lizzie revival not happening anymore @op
Disney too PG for what she wants it to be unfortunately. If the executives were smart, they would make it a Hulu series so it could get that now 25-30+ audience that grew up on it. But a lot of these companies never seem to consider that fanbases grow up, and may want what they enjoyed as kids/teens, in an adult form factor.
What is Star suppose to be? Is it replacing Hulu?
Lost, Family guy & Atlanta.?!
I hope that planet of the apes is the new trilogy
Lost, Family guy & Atlanta.?!
Borat on Disney
Lost, Family guy & Atlanta.?!
Just noticed this isn’t for US
Lost, Family guy & Atlanta.?!
Wow whoever can get this eating good. That’s enough tv for years
I hope that planet of the apes is the new trilogy
you can see the new trilogy at the top so i guess it’ll be both series
having old family guy available now gonna be nice
netflix only has everything from 2010-now i think
Star is out in Canada rn and the selection seems to be real good, might sign up for it now
This could be really good or really bad lmao. Hope its 2D animated tbh, need that nostalgic Disney animation