You got a warning or something?
Yup, IP sent a letter in the mail saying i got hit with a copyright strike
Yup, IP sent a letter in the mail saying i got hit with a copyright strike
Holy s***
Disney got hackers on deck
So it didn't go any further than that right ?
Holy s***
Disney got hackers on deck
So it didn't go any further than that right ?
Nah but i was for sure shook for a bit
Why is everyone mad at $30?
Disney movies, you go with family or a bunch of friends
Y’all spending $50+ regardless
Swear y’all like to complain but first in line upon release day 😪✌🏽
That's why I don't go to the movies anymore. I want to watch it home. But I expected something cheaper.
Disney Blurays are mad expensive already.
I mean, it makes sense that they’re charging this much for it.
They’re probably losing so much money from this not getting a normal theatrical release to begin with lol
But releasing it for 30 means more people will download it for free.
Greedy mouse
Greedy mouse
It's not greedy to try and make money back on a $200 million investment after posting a $4.72 billion loss over the last quarter
But releasing it for 30 means more people will download it for free.
I’m sure tons of ppl were going to watch for free anyway.
Had they released it for $15-$20 people were still going to share it. Households are going to watch it together. People share their Disney+ accounts with multiple.
Regardless of what they do, they have to cut their loses.
oh so you copping for 30
that's not THAT bad then
30 then gotta be subscribed to the service to continue watching which means you will never own it. Trash
There is no justification to pay $30 on the consumer side. That's robbery
Didn’t know you were asked to give the money when you are being robbed. You don’t have to do it, just wait 2-3 month to watch it for free. How exactly did you think they could make up for the lost theatrical revenue and moved up/lost rental release?
Idk what y’all were expecting with how things are going
A company who lost over 4 billion in revenue has to cut their losses some how. Y’all were gonna watch for free either way
Families are for sure going to pay for this along with Disney stans
Didn’t know you were asked to give the money when you are being robbed. You don’t have to do it, just wait 2-3 month to watch it for free. How exactly did you think they could make up for the lost theatrical revenue and moved up/lost rental release?
Course I'm doing that lmao
How you pay $30 and don't own it even after that
Stop taking robbery literally
Premier Access sounding better
$29.99 to unlock it but it goes for everything they put under that apparently
Premier Access sounding better
$29.99 to unlock it but it goes for everything they put under that apparently makes absolutely no sense financially, lol.
Edit - Article I read saying a one time $29.99 fee gives to premium access forever to all premium movies is what I'm referring to.
Hows this work? If i have disney+ subscription do I need to pay $30 for the movie too?
This makes absolutely no sense financially, lol.
Edit - Article I read saying a one time $29.99 fee gives to premium access forever to all premium movies is what I'm referring to.
Wait that’d be nuts