Man he went to Penn State when I did
You coulda got yo head taken off bro!
It’s not a false flag it’s just a deeply insane person
Both can be true. Deeply insane people can be easily manipulated. That was one of the main goals of MK Ultra.
taylor swift and klaus schawb wih his wef cronies involved in this
Ok man
Both can be true. Deeply insane people can be easily manipulated. That was one of the main goals of MK Ultra.
Both can be true. Deeply insane people can be easily manipulated. That was one of the main goals of MK Ultra.
nigga mk ultra
Epic maymay my friend, here’s your upvote!
More and more I lose faith in this world. The masses need to get in touch with mutual aid and bushcraft these established institutions are gonna drive these white boys crazy and they ain't been doing s*** but hoarding guns and mainlining hate content.
Both can be true. Deeply insane people can be easily manipulated. That was one of the main goals of MK Ultra.
Pretty irresponsible to just say anything could be a false flag attack. Throwing around the word "psyop" and trivializing "MK Ultra" does more harm than good imo.
The anthrax attacks are a spooky case worth invoking strong vocab for. The 2018 mail bombs sent to democrats right before the midterm elections seemed like that- but honestly don't merit it in hindsight at all.
getting killed by ur own son is crazy wonder what his dads last thoughts were
getting killed by ur own son is crazy wonder what his dads last thoughts were
“Shoulda pulled out”
Jesus f***ing christ, how disgusting. RIP to the father. I feel bad for being bemused at the non sequiturs throughout the article
“Mohn talked about Christian scripture, cancelling debt, pivoting the country to Judeo-Christian values, human trafficking, and about how he felt a large tech company was evading taxes”
The guy who just killed his dad and declared himself the new president thru martial law was really concerned about Microsoft not paying appropriate tax rates
“Mohn complained in his court cases that he was an over educated white man who couldn’t pay back his loans”.
Just an objectively funny way to phrase it
There are graver concerns than this
What is this and why is it worse
Nice try CIA.
What is this and why is it worse
They're literally pitting the incarcerated against the homeless. That's why it's bad
rappers supporting trump makes me sick bc as much as he gets meme'd to death, its his style of populism that has sped up this latent cancer in america's underbelly
the "voiceless" white lower and middle classes are fed up and instead of solidarity with the rest of the world by making small sacrifices for the greater good, we got dudes taking out their own family
incredibly said portrait of whats to come with the inevitable trump presidency
I’m not right wing (in fact, I think Biden himself is right wing) and I think it’s definitely a false flag.
false flag for what? what is this being used to distract us from?
looks like they have an entire case and psych profile on this guy. and i dont think theres a point in faking a beheading
whats ur theories on why this may point to false flag