What the f*** is wrong with people
Like have people just become more insane and evil
Or has it always been this way, we just have access to more information now and become aware of it?
This country’s mainstream culture is just fetishizing the violence that created it
This country’s mainstream economy is just making normal people’s lives as alienated and soul-crushing and mind-numbing as possible
These two both come from a history of the US being a settler-capitalist organization that conquered, enslaved, and committed genocide against millions to enrich those few who own society today, with little regard for well being.
These two both exist in the form of extreme consumer capitalism we see today, where divisive and extreme content draws consumers and enriches billionaires through product sales and data accumulation, with little regard for well being
TLDR: capitalism and colonialism have inhumane contradictions with inhumane consequences
rappers supporting trump makes me sick bc as much as he gets meme'd to death, its his style of populism that has sped up this latent cancer in america's underbelly
the "voiceless" white lower and middle classes are fed up and instead of solidarity with the rest of the world by making small sacrifices for the greater good, we got dudes taking out their own family
incredibly said portrait of whats to come with the inevitable trump presidency
theres sm conversation about left wing politics not speaking to men / yt ppl and i'm half on half on this
the reality is that white people / men in american society need to accept that the idea and power structure of whiteness is rightfully being challenged, and while the individual must be respected, there must be some sort of accountability that is held with men amongst men. yt ppl anongst yt ppl.
it is dire times we are in, and we must constantly hold each other to a greater standard of compassion and empathy. it is never been more apparent that these values have been lost in the age of neoliberalism, and regardless if you are a staunch free market capitalist or a hardcore communist, there must be more empathy for the common person.
we cannot continue with the current status quo and the global market we are in has now made the most communist countries hyper capitalist, and capitalist countries like U.S and U.K forced to create social programs without proper means of supporting those who need it (see welfare state of both countries)
Man he went to Penn State when I did
You could've f***ing stopped this dude
What the f*** is wrong with people
Like have people just become more insane and evil
Or has it always been this way, we just have access to more information now and become aware of it?
It's the second.
Crazy s*** happens every day, always has
false flag for what? what is this being used to distract us from?
looks like they have an entire case and psych profile on this guy. and i dont think theres a point in faking a beheading
whats ur theories on why this may point to false flag
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
This story will be forgotten in the next 24 hours. It’s only got 4 pages on KTT. Not a very effective false flag
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
You could've f***ing stopped this dude
Man how am I supposed to pick him out of the 40,000 other students
Thread is getting embarrassing
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
high iq assessment
Holy f*** i've found a link to the video but i will probably not watch it
Dude put the head of his dad on the desk while ranting
Link tbh
Man how am I supposed to pick him out of the 40,000 other students
I'm joking man
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
Oh don't be a piece of s*** dude
What the f*** is wrong with people
Like have people just become more insane and evil
Or has it always been this way, we just have access to more information now and become aware of it?
It's always been like this man
We are highly evolved animals and we've always been capable of gratuitous violence.
History will show how f***ing evil humanity has been.
However, modern society is pretty nice compared to human history. Obviously there's pockets like the middle east where it still gets pretty bad, but most first world countries are nice for the most part.
But since 2016, we have backslid a bit. Hopefully that corrects soon.
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
“All the felony charges aren’t working guys, let’s convince this psycho to chop his fathers head off, that’ll swing it our way.”
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
you're f***ing braindead man
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
you're f***ing braindead man
Didn't you know everything bad the Republicans do is actually the Democrats
Oh don't be a piece of s*** dude
Why do mentally challenged teenagers keep quoting me? Do you want a list of books that could help you understand how psychological operations have been used for population control since the 50s? Ever heard of domestic Gladio?
Man how am I supposed to pick him out of the 40,000 other students
You should’ve been more aware
I think he really killed his father. I think he is an insane individual. But I think he was manipulated in some ways by intelligence agents. Why? Because democrats don’t want Trump to come back.
sometimes I really feel bad for laughing at niggas like you 😂
Why do mentally challenged teenagers keep quoting me? Do you want a list of books that could help you understand how psychological operations have been used for population control since the 50s? Ever heard of domestic Gladio?
Only mentally challenged person here is you
Not everything is a psyop crafted by the government
Take your meds schizo