I love Al, but Madlib's a different animal.
I may be a lil' biased cause my display used to be "The Loop Digga" & "Lord Quas" back on KTT1, but yeah...
Al's moving up the ranks into top 3 territory, but he'll lose for sure.
(Not by a land slide like some of y'all are making it out to be)
He definitely got more classic albums
Nothing is ever gonna top Madvilliany but just as producers Alc and Madlib are in the same tier
Do you guys have preferences who goes first, or random coin toss? @Prez @PADYBU
I don't mind, spin it
We can also push back the time if you guys aren't available just lmk @Prez @PADYBU
I don't mind it being pushed back an hour if it means there'll be more people here
I don't mind it being pushed back an hour if it means there'll be more people here
That's fine no worries